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Dear Senator Bonteri,

Oh Lux, it's terrible! Anakin and I were called back from Cato Neimoidia not long after we arrived. Someone had bombed the Temple, killing clones and Jedi alike! Someone bombed our home, and it's terrible. 

Anakin and I were put on the case because we were the only ones away when it happened. There are rumblings that a Jedi did it, and some people are beginning to believe the rumors. I don't though. I don't think a Jedi would do something like this, but the Council said that everything is on the table.

I just...  just don't know anymore. How or why would someone do this? I want to talk to you about it, you can always help me through tough times like this, get me to see the light. Only problem is, Anakin and I are going to be focusing all our free time on this investigation, so it'll be hard for me to see you. Once this is all over though, we'll talk for sure.

Yours truly,


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