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Dear Senator Bonteri,

I met a guy named Nyx yesterday, he was rather cute and nice. We hit it off right away, and I can tell he really likes me, and I guess I kind of like him too. He reminds me of you in a way, and maybe that's why I like him. I have to hide my true identity from him though because he hates the Jedi, and if he found out I used to be  a Jedi he would hate me. I go by the name Ashla now, to further hide myself.

I kind of feel guilty though. I know I shouldn't still be writing to you, I have Nyx now and you have Lily (I figured out her name), but I just can't stop. I know it's time for me to move on, as you have already, but I just can't forget about you, no matter how hard I try. I still love you.

Yours truly,


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