Chapter 2: Brainstorming

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Dream enters the room, greeted with laughter and chatter of the students as they wait for their teacher. He makes a beeline towards the back of the class and takes his usual seat beside Sapnap, who gives him a warm smile.

'Are you ready to be bored to death by Mr Mack's lectures today?' he asks as Dream tosses his white bag to the foot of the table. 

He shoots him a deadpan look. 'I'm so excited.'

Sapnap chuckles and looks at the bag, amused. The black smiley face on the front stares back up at him. 'I can't believe that hasn't faded yet.'

Dream follows his gaze. 'I mean, I take care of my stuff.'

They turn to look at the Texan boy's battered black Nike bag. It had clearly seen better days. The straps were hanging on by literal threads, torn from the amount of times Sapnap had swung the bag carelessly. The zipper was broken and replaced with a golden stolen paperclip. There's a bleach stain on the side from the time he was in Science and tipped over the bottle and was too lazy to get a towel. Sapnap, now, lovingly kicks it full force away from sight, stating loftily that 'It was an ugly bag anyway.'

Right that moment, Mr. Mack walks in. His iconic pure-black, two-spoons-sugar coffee known by every student in this school is in his right hand, along with a bundle of papers from various classes in his left. His hair is messy from sprinting down the halls because, per usual, he is always running to catch his class, always late.

'Good morning class!' he says chirpily and rushed, instantly making way towards his desk. The class moves to take their seats, greeting him in a sing-song. Despite having the most boring drone, compared to all the other teachers, Mr Mack was one of the well-respected teachers of the school. This is due to the fact most of the girls found him good-looking and was a boxer before pursuing his career as a teacher, sometimes found play-boxing with some of the boys.

The class continues but one of the students in particular was in a different world. Dream writes into his notepad, not bothering to pay attention. He didn't really care as he could just get notes off of Sapnap later. 'Graphic design' and 'mimicking of words' floated in the air as the teacher introduces the new subject.

Soon enough, the class is shuffling into motion. Dream looks up to find everyone reaching for their sketchpads and rulers. Confused, he whispers to his friend as he copies everyone else.

'What are we doing?'

'Graphic design. Trying new fonts and stuff.' Sapnap rummages through his bag and pulls out a KitKat. 'We gotta copy the handwriting off something.' He opens it carefully as to not rip the logo, taking out the chocolate in the wrapping. He snaps it in half, handing it to Dream, who takes it happily. As they take a bite, Sapnap uses his other hand to begin his sketch. Unlike Dream, Sapnap had an interest in this subject, getting better grades in the creative subjects than academic subjects. 

'I have a feeling someone in this room will be charged for forgery,' he says absentmindedly as his hand flows effortlessly across the page.

Dream looks at the other as he muses, chewing slowly. 'Can someone be charged for forgery?'

Sapnap shrugs. 'I don't know but you should get your stuff before Mr Mack comes around.'

Dream nods and does so. To be honest with you, Dream took the art class for easy points. He was an okay artist, very creative, but, on the contrary, kind of lazy. But, with Mr Mack as his teacher, he'll get by for "his interesting art style" and "good efforts", because, hey, everyone creates art differently and uniquely. Art comes in all shapes and forms. 

'You good?' Sapnap says, nudging his friend.

Dream snaps out of it. 'Oh, yeah. I'm okay.'

Sapnap tilts his head. 'C'mon, dude, you seem distant. Did you figure out a way to get George to go to prom?'

Dream shakes his head. 'No, but he's had bad dates before so he doesn't wanna go.'

'Shoot. Well, what do we do now?'

'I don't know, get him a good date?'

Dream had said this without any thought, doing a couple of swirls and squiggles on his paper half-heartedly. He notices that Sapnap was staring at him. 


'That's not a bad idea!' 

Dream repeats his last comment. 'What?'

'We get George a good date! Now, who would he like? There's not a lot of close girls that he'd go out with. Maybe we can get Finn to dress up as an egirl-'

'No. George would never,' Dream states. He bit the end of his pencil, thinking. 'Who's he close with? I already tried asking him out to prom and he said no- Oh! I think Maia was checking him out earlier. We can ask her.'

'Sounds like a plan!' Sapnap grins. 'I'll ask her during Music-'

'Clay, Nick, everything alright?'

Mr Mack stands behind the two, looking at the progress they have done. Sapnap has already got the foundation of his KitKat logo finished whilst Dream has a couple of spirals on his page.

'Yes, sir, just brainstorming,' Dream responds, offering a quick semi-lie.

'Don't worry, Clay, you'll get your idea soon. Ideas take time and so does the execution.' Mr Mack gives him a pat on the shoulder before moving to help another boy in the back with a gamer shirt. They hear Charlie's and the teacher's voice in the sea of muttering students, deciding it was safe to return to their conversation.

'We'll figure something out,' Sapnap says, determination laced in his voice. This gives Dream hope as he smiles genuinely.

'Yeah. I hope so.'

Chapter 2: 974

Total words: 2,099

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