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Emily is stressed. Piper is like her little sister, and she's a good dancer, but she knows she has anxiety. She lets Amy sit in the front next to her and hits the pedals. She notices Finn in her mirror. She still doesn't know all there is to know about him, but she knows how he cares about Piper. To be completely honest, when she found out (through questioning Ozzy about the team; he cracks under Emily.) that he was dating Amy, she was surprised to say the least. Right now, he looks dreadful. His whole body is sort of crumpled in the back seat, his head hangs low and she thinks he's actually crying a little. She knows that look. She's been that look. Keeping her eyes on the road, she asks,
"Finn, what did you do?" This takes him by shock, and he swiftly wipes his tears under the guise of flicking his hair. Emily pretends not to see.

"Amy," He starts. It's time for her to know. He can't believe it went this far and he's actually grateful Emily gave him the opportunity. "I wanted, I wanted to tell you under better circumstances, but, a few weeks ago you said you thought that Piper liked me. I brushed it off and so did you. But she was avoiding me, and when I confronted her, she did that laugh. The one you said means she has feelings for you. I freaked out. I had been asking her out for months before you and I. So, I cornered her. I asked her how she felt. I needed to know. She said it didn't matter, but I persisted. She said she liked me and she was sorry and I was so overwhelmed that I kissed her."
He looked at Amy. He can see the hurt enter her eyes. He's somewhat glad Piper's not there. From what he can tell, Emily is dumbstruck.
"You kissed Piper?" Her voice is...empty.
"Piper kissed you back?" Her voice is flooded with confusion and anguish.
"For a single second. Every second after all she could talk about was how she messed up and how you were everything to her and how you were going to hate her and how she would shove her feelings down to protect you."
Amy's angry now. He can tell because her hands clench into fists and her eyebrows furrow. He feels like he should have lied.
"She didn't tell me! I would have told her to be with you! Why did she let herself get that worked up? For me? Forget about me!"
He did not see that coming.
"She knew she had to. She was going to. It just hurt her a lot to hurt you."
"Me too. I'm so sorry, Amy." He adds.
"I won't lie, Finn, I'm really hurt."
"I know. I don't know what to say."
"I do." She fully turns (as much as she can with her seatbelt on, anyway.) towards him, "I'm breaking up with you."
"Thank you."
"You're welcome. But if you hurt Piper like you hurt me, you'll have some serious wrath to face."
"Wrath? How old are you?" Emily smiles a little, "But seriously, Finn, you mess with Piper, you mess with me too."
"I am in love with her." He says quietly, "I am in love with her and I broke her."
The car falls silent. No one really even moves until Emily's interior car screen flashes. It's connected to her phone so that means she has a message.
"Piper's fine." A sigh of sheer relief escapes all of them, "She did experience a panic attack, and she tripped over a stool. The combination of the fall and stress caused her to become...unconscious." Emily pauses because Finn makes a sharp, upset noise at this word.
"But she is awake and responsive now and she...uh oh. Finn, you might wanna stay in the car when we arrive."
Amy reads the message and nods her head in agreement.

Finn's mind whirred fast. Did she blame him? Did she hate him? Did she never want to see him again? His vision is clouded by tears.

Oh my gosh. Over 100 reads and 18 votes! I cannot express my gratitude.

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