Chapter 1 "Click start to begin"

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Like any other day we wake up , get dressed and ready for work we eat , kiss our family goodbye and go to work just normal nothing interesting right? Of course but we all check our phones go on social media to watch funny lol cats and see what the world is up to .

But every message we send ,every email we read , Everything we do on our devices has an impact on us or other people but there is a system that records our every move , every keystroke and everything we do this system is called " %CentralCiderSystem " or "cider" for short

This system monitors everything we do and most of us are oblivious to it. but there some people that take advantage of this system and use it to their own intentions . people like me are paid to spy and steal from others to raid photos and to execute digital fraud on others and in return money and power.

But there is a downside once your paid you survive in your own no one there to help you and when your caught you must always have a Plan B otherwise you lose everything. this happened too me 2 years ago on the 10th of January 2142 - 7:49 Pm - Sydney australia. I lost everything - my wife, my kids ,my life and my freedom. now but today I get released and start my quest for revenge...

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