Chapter 13 Jimmy

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I headed out taking a random car from Dimitri's "collection" and I spun off in a Mazda 8. not a fancy car but good enough. I set off driving sensibly and safely with my seatbelt on
- Safety First

10:15 - Jimmy's Place - Sydney
I walked in and with the sound of the door as I entered I heard jimmy cry out "Hold on a sec!" I walked upstairs and there jimmy was his room was still not clean and this time I was dodging old nacho chips and Jimmy look back and greeted me with a hello and I handed both phones to him. "Ah so I see you have a new phone and this is Roses isn't it?"
"yeah it is and hell yah I did."
"Alright programming your phone and updating Roses." the computer buzzed and whirled and we shouldn't pay attention to it as it did it's thing. "also Garry what's new ?word is you pissed off the military!"
"Argh yeah let's not go there, and what happened the last time I was here?"
"Nothing much just the S.W.A.T (Special weapons and tactics) just came and looked for you nothing new" the computer made an error sound but we should ignore it
"Hey how long will it take? because I'm on a job and have to get it done before sundown"
"About 10 minutes but roses phone is done *Unplug* here ya go and tell rose I said hi"
"Yeah sure and oh can you track this guy? it would make it easier for me" I passed the phone to Jimmy and he took a look at it
"Ah gimme a second" The computer buzzed as Jimmy typed . "Ah found 255.343.913:7867 looks like he is using a game server to cover his movement"
"Ah smart now where is he?"
"Looks like he is at Safehouse ULYSSES 10Km up north ,and seems like he's been hiding there for the past week"
"Ah so it's gonna be a easy mission then?"
"Hell yeah, hey you wanna do something for 8 minutes while we wait for your phone?"
"Yeah how about some coffee ?"
"Yeah I'll make some now!"

8 completely ordinary minutes later with nothing interesting happening
"*Sip* " the computer made a Ding noise and we thought it was the microwave but then realised and so we went over to the computer . On the screen was a green tick and so I unplugged my phone and set off leaving my mug and and wave goodbye to Jimmy. With my new Gear ready I set off for the target. annoyingly I went down the street and there was a red light and it was going to take a while so I decided to use my new phone ." SARA set express course to ULYSSES"
"Setting course ... load complete express loaded now intiating"
The traffic suddenly screeched to a halt and my light turned green and so I sped off .and then It was a green lights all the way.

10 Minutes later - Ulysses Safehouse 10:36
I pulled up to the location and it was an old warehouse. I hid my car near a bush and walked in. There was a old rust smell lingering in the air. There was holes in the roof and through the holes you could see the skyscrapers lingering in the distance. Suddenly a barrel knocked over behind me and there standing was Larissa aiming a set of pistols at my head. "What are you doing here Garry?!"
"Here for the bounty 10 Grand in credits,You?"
"I'm here for what's in this place..."
"I've been looking for a specific .Ftsevend file and I've traced it here" We heard a car pull up outside and we both hid behind a stack of boxes. two figures got out of the car and then walked in. We saw two masked men walk in packing a hell of a lot of explosives. On their arms a symbol of two guns and a grenade with a blood red background. With them radios in their left holster with 3 grenades next to them ,one had a rocket launcher on their back and the other a .50 Barrett . With very thick armour and deadly weapons ,we decided to stay hidden and watch from the shadow. I turned around and asked Larissa "What's the plan?" she whispered "When it's right open fire on them whilst I hold them the bullet should go through their armour but stop at the back plating so it can't hit me" she ran off and I panicked because I had given my guns away to Amy and I didn't have a chance to tell her. "Argh wait!" I quietly screamed. Larissa dashed onto the sides and jumped onto some crates and back flipped onto one of the men causing him to fall. She pulled the grenade pins off and jumped dodging gunfire from the other man. she took cover behind a pillar of steel. And the man exploded staggering the other. Larissa shouted "NOW!" and I looked her with a I gave my guns away face. She panicked as the second man stood up and grabbed his rocket launcher out aimed . I got up and chucked the nearest thing I could find a rock. It hit the man and got his attention. He started and fired the rocket at me . I dodged it and it hit a steel pole. The roof started collapsing in. The rocket launchers she'll flew out and he loaded another in and aimed for Larissa . Larissa dodged and it hit the strut destroying it and causing the structure to collapse. The man walked up to Larissa and smashed his rocket launcher into her head causing Larissa to be knocked out.

I started panicking whilst he reloaded I ran for the room at the end of the warehouse . And opened the door and slipped in .i headed upstairs into a control room where a suspicious looking closet was there. I opened it and a control panel hidden behind a bucket on a shelf . "SARA hack and access terminal port"
"Loading please wait" suddenly bullets started piercing the glass in the control room and then a dreadful rocket whoosh .

The world was at a high pitch . I could see nothing And was in shock .


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