Chapter 6 - Point Damascus

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3:15 PM - Location Damascus Safe house - Sydney -AUS

"You have arrived at your destination have a nice day GARRY" as always SARA was as bleak of machine as she was a computer with no colour. As I walked out a women smartly dressed with a pink shirt and skirt came out - She was a beautiful lady with her blonde hair waving in the wind and stylish High heels."You must be Mr Ramirez , Dimitri and rose are expecting you" Now Dimitri and rose were a married couple in the hacking business for a couple of years now they are one of the best in the world and have been ever since %cider came online. "Please follow me Mr Ramirez" I nodded and pretended to be mysterious and walked inside the warehouse. inside were cars lot of cars most stolen but very fancy. Towards the ceiling old rusted struts and corners two exit doors and an elevated office. We walked through the cars towards a vending machine. "Hey miss didn't catch your name would you mind telling me?" she stopped and paused for a moment.

"My name is Samantha and that's all you need to know" I was startled by her reaction and so continued walking until we reached the machine. "Hey Samantha isn't Dimitris office upstairs?" She looked at me and said "Hand me your phone and any weapons"
I replied "no" she groaned and said "would you like to see Dimitri or not?" and so she won and I handed over my phone and magnums. Then the most weirdest thing happened. She inserted a coin into the vending machine and purchased a drink called "Out of order" or "Cola" which could be seen through the sticker as it was faded and old. Suddenly the machine slid open and there a passage way leading towards and elevator . Samantha gestured to go in and so we did. " SIERA response code 42 - identification Samantha G. Passcode killcider1" with a whirl the elevator shook and l
the lights flickered on "this is the SIERA AI welcome Samantha now departing to Dimitri's office" with a jolt the elevator rushed down at the speed of sound it felt like this mornings breakfast ... was about to say good afternoon to me.

With a sudden halt I fell to the floor trying to keep my breakfast in and stand up. Samantha dragged me out and placed me on the sofa nearby and left without another word. "Ah Garry it's good to see you again I see you've met Samantha and this is Rose my wife"
"Ah so this is the girl I've been hearing about good too meet you Rose ,and Dimitri we need to talk." Samantha brought out some coffee for us and I love coffee. Dimitri walked into his office I followed. It was a white office all marble flooring and white walls and roof and strangely a fireplace but no windows... "So what do you need from me Garry?"
"we'll I need to find the one that betrayed me two years ago and a place to rest for the night"
"I had a feeling you where finding the one that killed your family and so I had Samantha go undercover for me for the past 6 months and here's your target" he slid a folder to me across the white table. I sat down and sipped my coffee and it read "-NAME - James "Roach" Sanderson -AGE 34 -SKILLS Professional Contract killer/Hacker -Location - Last seen LOS ANGELES lucky 4 casino @8:19 PM 27 July 2144 - MEDICAL CONDITIONS allergic to nuts and lactose intolerant - JOB STATUS Hired by Makrov Arkovski -MISSION unknown IP 169.254.983.256 :7693"after that there were pictures of him a man with a suit and what seemed like epi-pens and red hair. "Makrov I though he was put in jail after that whole missile incident"
"No he is a free man he has diplomatic immunity from the Russian Embassy and besides no one could prove it was him"
" can I have my phone back and guns?" Dimitri nodded and yelled "Samantha get our guests phone back! and see to it that his stolen car is destroyed ." even though Samantha was Dimitris secretary there was something about her that wasn't right but I didn't know what . "How about my guns?"
" Now Now you'll get them soon enough" I groaned and went back to my coffee

dimitris computer buzzed and he instantly looked at it ."Hmm this is interesting seem like your not the only one that's going to be staying the night. He flipped the monitor around and there was a profile of...

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