Chapter 3 explosions are necessary

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In unlocked my phone there a message awaited me with an text saying " Warehouse 13 - 45 seconds" I spun my car around heading towards the designated point and with speed cameras flashing as a sped past I set my phone to "drive mode" where from that point all speed cameras exploded as I drove past. with 20 seconds remaining the drive mode protocol set all the lights to red to stop traffic as i dodged and weaves through traffic and cut corners I finally arrived with a dramatic parallel park.

there a figure stood with two suitcases and a hoodie ,blue jeans an a phone looked towards me. I walked over and the figure said "Your late Garry" I instantly recognised the voice "good to see you too Larissa , I see you haven't changed " she handed me the two cases and left in her pink car and off she drove . She was never big in words or ever spoke much

I opened up the first case and there was a new set of clothes to fit a hacker. In the second case I opened it up to find...
A set of magnums (Now magnums were a very powerful sidearm and made quite a bang) I opened up the warehouse and got changed and drove the car inside and left I found a unsuspecting police car nearby and of course hacked it and drove off with the tap of a button in my phone my old car exploded leading authority to the explosion and too leave me in peace .

I set off to the safe house designated by jimmy. Hearing police chatter about explosions at the harbour and reports of a stolen police car "oh boy " I though I still got it it's was now 2:34 pm I sped my way pushing through.

HACKER %Cider LegacyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora