Chapter 10 - Home sweet Safehouse

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9:01 AM - Bannered Mare Hotel - Tuesday 11th of January 2142
Samantha woke up to Garry's snoring she looked at her phone and realised the time. Finding a bucket she filled it with cold water and dumped it all over Garry's head
"Argh for cryin out loud first the fountain and now this !what is wrong with you!"
"How about you ,you said you were sleeping on the sofa!?"
"Yeah but I didn't want to sleep on sauce and cheeses!"
" So sleep somewhere else!"
"Like?" Samantha walked a round the suite and did not find a sleeping spot and came back "Yeah I guess your right but next time tell me!"
"But i didn't want to wake you"
"oh whatever let's just go back to Damascus after I have a shower". Samantha went off to taker her shower and I sat down to watch some TV flicking through the channels hearing about last nights fireworks and gun down and just sat there watching random TV and then I just switched it off I was so bored and just waiting to leave I found and ate some pizza. Did some push ups ,started to try and fix my phone but to no avail and then I just sat there thinking... Thinking about my future and what might happen to me.

9:31 AM
"Geez you took your time"
"Oh shut it " we were in the elevator headed down towards the lobby. it was long silent and awkward . we reached the bottom and Samantha checked out whilst I looked for our car. "Hey Sam where's our car?" Samantha pointed towards the parking lot and there it's was the Lambhorgini roadster I ran towards the car and past the fountain and to sweet metal I came. I had to wait though as my phone was dead. Samantha finally walked over and unlocked the car I got into the drivers side and we drove away. Onto the highway we drove as smooth as can be, nothing going wrong whatsoever.

9:42 AM
We pulled up to the driveway of Damascus and parked it inside I realise now how all the other cars got there. we headed towards the back of the warehouse to where the vending machine was and as last time Samantha purchased a can of coke and the machine opened up. "SIERA response code 42 - identification Samantha G. Passcode killcider1" the elevator started whirling up I gulped and held on to the bars and it dropped speeding to ridiculous elevator speeds that should not exist. It stopped and bounced as we made it to Dimitri's Office "Hey Sam what is your last name?"
"Oh it's Samantha Hope Givinski"
"And what are theses other floors and stuffs?"
"Umm we are on floor -3 and the two floors above us are service ducts for the cities power and sewage... -4 is the storage area ,-5 is the furnace where we destroy evidence. -6 and -7 are none of your business and -8to -10 are empty."
"Ah okay good to know and what do you mean none of my business?"
" I mean that only Dimitri let's people down there and that his floor and he will tell you if he wants to" Rose entered the room and looked at both of us.
"I see you two had quite an adventure I'll tell Dimitri your here and GARRY your new phone". Rose pointed to the table and oh boy there it was an PINEAPPLE ELEVEN PLUS! "Omg yes ,hell yeah!" Dimitri walked in "Ah I've see you found your new phone but you still have to see Jimmy about the extras and both of you I need to talk to you now... in my office please" Samantha kicked me up the arse and gave me a bad look "What did you do!?"
"I dunno" we walked in and Dimitri gestured for both of us to sit down. "Garry you need to explain to me why there were 7 Juggers in the damn bush outside this warehouse and Samantha I need to ask why did I get billed 2437 Credits in cleaning and beverage bills..."
"Well ... we were hungry and had a food fight and Garry here got bored and so decided to hijack the juggernauts and mess around with them"
"And I would like to say in my defence!" Garry stood up to make it sound more dramatic "it was her idea and she did it" and sat down again.
"Garry!" Samantha snapped she looked over at Dimitri kicked Garry's leg "Okay WE ordered the food and HE messed with the robots" this conversation felt like when you were in the principals office arguing over some silly thing "Okay the real problem is that the military is tracking those robots and if it wasn't for Amy we would've never disabled them in time before the military blew us halfway to hell!"

"Garry did it!"and Samantha got up and went to find Amy.
"Garry okay look just never do something stupid like that every again you understand meh?!"
"Yeah if course but two questions ,one where are they now and two where are my guns?!" and what's up with the gun I used the news said it was experimental!"
"Okay number one ,Your guns are on floor -6 safe and sound ,number two they are on floor -4 in storage and number three that wasn't two questions..."
"Okay can I see them though?"
"The guns or robots?"
"Okay then follow me" We both got up and headed towards the elevator.
"Hey another thing why does this ele..." The elevator dropped Garry started screaming and hit the floor when it stopped. Dimitri walked out into the room where 7 Juggers stood with open panels and parts all over the floor "Whoa what happened?!"
"Pulled to parts to destroy the tracking system but we tried to put them back together, Now let's go fetch your guns" Dimitri and I stepped in and Dimitri entered a code and off went the elevator down stopped and Garry was starting to get used to the speed. When the doors opened there were shelves upon shelves and you could barely see the end of the room. "Whoa what is this!"
"This is the armoury we have enough to supply the army it's the stuff that we have collected and sorted since the year 2000"
"So there are like weapons from the Stone Age?!"
"Yes I believe so and some old phones and computers, to the left is ammunitions down there are the Armour caches and over there is the guns and over there explosive material and oh there is random junk..." Garry wondered off into this maze of weapons and artficats. he first went to the random junk section and found a mysterious black object called an "iPhone" with an eaten apple on the back he thought to himself "who would want this?" and put it back. He found other items such as an iPad and what seemed to be a person named "Sam" that "sung" something he found what seemed to be a computer and it was a large box and had a mouse attacked to it and a keyboard he thought it was a joke not having touchscreen so he put it back. Garry wondered off somewhere else and found other random things such as photos of people and a thing called "Facebook" but he mixed that up and thought it was "Bookface" and he started laughing when he saw "Twitter" as he had an account on "Goatter" and it "Bleet" like who would tweet?!

"Garry your magnums!" Dimitri carried two silver guns over to Garry and Garry grabbed them and checked them. "So about that experimental weapon explain it to me"
Dimitri paused for a moment and walked to a red box under a shelf labelled "Danger" he opened it and inside were 10 slots which nine of the held guns "You remember learning about world war 3 and the 7 days of fire don't you and the Trials of 6?"
"Yeah I remember watching that on the news when I was 14 and learning about ww3 in high school that's was like 120 years ago"
"We'll at the end of the 7 days of fire the military were still waiting for the cider system to be finished so they made better guns and over the years they've been messing with then until they abandoned the idea and went to new metals and ideas of guns they abandoned such weapons of war because the would do too much damage in the cities and eventually they moved onto more effective measures such as drones and droids to fight in the war but when we won we had no use for these and abandoned them and all the experimental stuff was left behind for people like us to take and plus each one of these bad boys cost a fortune to make enough just the gun alone was enough to buy a couple of tanks!"
"How did cider start after?"
"We'll there once was a man named DaCheng he started cider originally but then..."Garry sat down and listened to Dimitri's story

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