Chapter 4

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Perth prov
It's now a month since I gave him my card.I made sure that he does not get questioned as he uses the card however he liked.I have received messages so I know the mount of money he uses.I hope his mom lives longer for him.

I miss him though, I haven't seen him in a long time now. His friends come to the bar but he's never with them.

Then I saw him walk up to his usual table and make an order.I took over from the waitress and takes his beer to him.

"Hey stranger, long time" I smiled at him.He seems shocked and nervous.

"Perth.are...are you gonna arrest me for using that amount on your card...I'll repay you I promise" He said.

"It's okay you don't need to worry how is your mom.You were lost for a month where were you." I said sliding his beer to him.He takes it and drinks.

"Well thanks your black card helped me mom is at a private hospital and her treatment is much better.I have been on job hunt so I've been busy." He says .

"Did you find one"

"No but am still trying "

"Well we're looking for extra ballista.... You can have the have the experience the pay ain't that much but it's worth "I offered him a job.I really want him next to me.

" oh my god I,are you serious "He almost screams.

" Yeah the position is all yours if you don't can start tomorrow evening "I smile at him.

" oh god...thank you so much Perth you have been helping me a lot...oh...lemme call Zee he'll be very happy for me"he took his phone out and walked out to talk.

Minutes later he came in over joyed.

"He must mean a lot to you" I asked taking a drink.

"Mmnh. ....yeah he is my pillar of support.... I don't know what I'll do without him" He said happily .

"So how long have you been together"

"We have known each other for four years but dated for three years" Saint smiles dreamily.

"You must love you guys live together.... I mean your ever together" I said finishing my bottle.

"No.....we live separately but occasionally spend time at each other's place " He said scratching the back of his head.

Honestly speaking,he seems happy with his life and I don't know why but I wanna be his close friend and I hope now that he will be working with me we can get close.

Sneaky move from Ae

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