Chapter 8

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Saint's prov
My mom was laid to rest recently, only a few people were invited,I did not invite Perth but he was available ;from a distance I don't even think Zee noticed him.

I had gone home from Perth's bar house, he dropped me off .The first three days were hard for me,it was so hard to walk so I was slow in everything am glad they had given me a leave from both works.

Zee came home three days after hearing the news,he held me in his arms the whole week as I was mourning and did not even notice the heckies since I applies concealer and did not notice my walking style which I pretended I was okay .

My normal routine got busy and Zee goes back to his work out of town.We talk frequently on the phone.

We don't talk much with Perth but he still sits on his chair at the counter and minds his business.I was serving drinks when I heard a very familiar gentle voice.

"Hey baby  am back" I finished serving and jump on Zee ,I round my legs around his back and hug him breathlessly .He hugged me back and captured my lips on his.How I had kissed those lips we kissed for a while until someone clears his throat, Zee put me down, I put my forehead on Zee's.

"I missed you so much glad your back... I wasn't expecting it" I said almost in tears.

"Sshhh,am sorry baby,am here now ,with you" he kissed me again and I looked at Perth after the kiss ,clearing  that voice was his.He looked kinda sad,I don't know.

"Am sorry my lover Zee,Honey this is Sir Perth my boss" I said happily.

They shared a look then Zee said "I know him baby,he's my boss,thanks sir for giving MY baby a job" I just looked at him and side hugged him kissing his cheeks. Perth is looking at us not saying a word.

"Sir can I get an off today.I really did miss him please" I pleaded with him hoping he'll agree "I'll be early tomorrow please" I smiled at him.He just nodded and I left with my boyfriend.

"How long have you known Perth?" Zee asked me when we were having dinner at his place.

"Not long enough why"

"I don't know, he seems to have an interest in you" he said.I looked up at him.

"Honey don't think like that it's nothing ,we don't even know each other that well"Now I don't want him to know that I slept with my boss.

" It better be a work relationship Saint "He said and pull me up to his room.I know when to fight back and now ain't the time.He rarely says my name ,only when is mad or jealous and now the second option is true.

He undressed me and threw me on his bed,I bounce a little, he hovered on me and things got dirty.

It had been a petty rough night for me but not like when I was with Perth, it was rougher with Perth.

I was able to walk the next day but with little difficulties but I managed since Zee is rough but never crosses his limits with me.

I wondered if I would be able to let him know about Perth's black card and that I  gave myself to Perth.Would he understand me.Would he leave me ;I never want that to happen,I truly love him and I trust he loves me too.

My mind will explode from thinking too much but I can't help but wonder if ever the dirty truth will ever be known.

I let his love wash away all my worries for that day,I loved him and that's all that matters.

They look good I assume

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