Chapter 12

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Saint's prov
Zee and I are having a great life but I feel like am missing something. Zee is a great guy giving into all my demands and loving me unconditionally.And believe me I love him too.

I ended what I had with Perth a month ago.Well everything is good between us,I go to work as usual and we talk here and there, not much though.Zee comes to the bar often.He doesn't trust Perth,he believes Perth has feelings for me which is definitely a lie cause it was just sex.

Zee had become suspicious just before I broke up with Perth,he would question me a lot and fucked me mercilessly until I never took Perth,I don't know Why I ended it considering I never intended to end it with Perth but I never wanted to piss Zee (my love for him is far more than a dick from Perth).

I sometimes think of Perth, a lot, a times I compared them ,Wash that off.I feel attracted to Perth and that's a reason (real reason)why I decides to stop it with him.He was becoming a big part of my life,doing things that Zee never does for me or never wants to do for me.

Zee pulled me out of thoughts when he thrust into me.We were in my small office;Perth had promoted me to accounts.

Zee came into my office and things got to where they're now. He was seated and I was on top of him riding him.

"Saint can you please bring last month's Acc...." The sound trails off.I stopped riding and kissing Zee ,tried to get up but Zee held me to him.I looked behind me and i saw Perth.

He did not show any emotions, he just stared blankly at us,true definition of embarrassment.

"Don't you know how to knock" Zee said to Perth coldly.

"When your done come to my office with last month's accounts" he said sternly and left.

"Zee let me go please.... I told you we shouldn't do this here" I said trying to get up.

"Aaaregghhh zee.....stop....ahhh....yeah.....aahh" I couldn't control it though my moods were off but Zee must finish what he starts to feel perfect.

"Don't stay for long in there, you know how I don't like him"

I fixed my clothes and hair and knock on his door.I was nervous. I was welcomed in.Perth was reading some documents. He didn't look at me.

"Just put it on the desk  I'll check it later thank you, you may leave" He said while concentrating on his work not sparing a glance at me.

"Uhm.....sir Perth am sorry.....about...uhm ....earlier" I didn't know why but I felt the need to apologize and explain myself but he didn't spare me a chance.

"Nothing to apologize for it's your love life it has nothing to do with me,you may leave" I felt hurt.Didn't he get hurt,wasn't he jealous. Thinking of it,he has never pulled off the jealous trick with me ,yeah it was just sex but I wish he was a bit affected by what he saw.

"And never have sex in the office again.....take it home" that word'home' was so warm.I had always been more at home in his arms.Should I feel that way,guilt for behaving with him the way I did ,guilt for not regretting smashing with him,guilt for leading him on,guilt for feeling like am cheating on him.

He had his cold aura around him that I didn't like at all.Did he hate me?that would be unrealistic. I must admit I miss having him,the hard tough sex ,yeah the strong kisses,what am I thinking about while my Zee is waiting for me.I better go.

I left his office but my head and heart were having a battle .what do I want .

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