rocking up MTV

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This is my entry for The Beatles Awards by the awesome abbilovegood
Enjoy! Yes, this entire oneshot is based off of Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne.
Jily (James x Lily)
Wolfstar (Remus x Sirius)
Side pemmeline (Peter x Emmeline) and morcas (Marlene x Dorcas).
Word count: 3,508

There was a group of boys at Hogwarts High School, who nicknamed themselves 'The Marauders'.
They were practically royalty in Hogwarts High, and pretty talented boys as well.
The first of the group was named Remus Lupin. He was the most 'innocent' of the four to the naked eye, but his friends knew him as the most dirty minded kid they've ever met.
Next was Peter Pettigrew. He was more quiet and reserved, and shorter. He seemed like the odd one out, but the boys knew the group would fall apart without him.
Sirius Black was the third Marauder. He was a punk fuckboy that girls fell for at the drop of a hat. Although, when he was just around his friends, he was nothing of the sort. There are still private Snapchat videos of him crying over a video of a dog, while completely sober.
And lastly, James Potter. He was cocky, smart, and slightly arrogant. Well, he acted like he was. Only few knew that he was modest, slightly shy, and insecure.

All of the Marauders were attractive, but James and Sirius got the most attention. Sirius with his long, silky hair and jawline that could cut butter. And James with his big glasses and soft hazel eyes.

Even though they ruled the school, and had people practically begging for dates, they never had relationships that lasted over a week.
Except for James, and his unrequited fascination with Lily Evans.

Lily definitely did not have the same social status as the Marauders, but James was in love with her since pretty much the first day of freshman year.
It's not like James's 4 year long feelings were weird or coming from nothing. Lily was beautiful, no doubt about it. Even though it was bushy and curly, she had gorgeous flaming red hair that complemented her piercing emerald eyes. But beyond that, she was a talented dancer, a smart and devoted student, and she was kind.
James was drawn to Lily from day 1, but it wasn't true the other way around.
Lily always said she felt nothing toward Potter other than annoyance.
She said this for two reasons. 1, so James's 'fan girls' wouldn't hate her more, and 2, her friend did not like him.

"Ugh, I hate this school." Lily's friend Eliza said at lunch.
"Why?" She asked. Lily quite liked her school. It was public, but the academics were great. They were lucky to go to a great school.
"Just look at who these kids choose to idolize. I mean, the 'Marauders'? Really?" Eliza scoffed.
"What is so wrong with them? I mean, they're annoying, sure. But they're pretty unproblematic." Something about dissing the marauders made Lily mad, though she didn't quite know what.
"Are you serious? Just look that them! Their 'too good for you' attitude and ugly baggy clothes. Like, there's such thing as a shirt that fits!" Eliza was referring to James and his love of baggy and oversized shirts and sweatshirts, which, to be honest, seemed quite comfortable.
"I guess." Lily nodded, even though she disagreed.

"Attention students of the fine establishment that is Hogwarts High School!" All eyes went to the middle table, the marauders table. The table on which Sirius was standing, and yelling.

"The Marauders is no longer our nickname!" He announced. Kids gasped like he had said someone had died.

"It is our band name. That's right ladies, gents, and people in between-" he winked, "- the four of us are starting a band! I will be the hot drummer of course, Remus is our talented guitarist, Peter is literally a god and plays 5 instruments, and James is the sexy lead singer. Get ready to see us on MTV in the future!" Sirius concluded to a standing ovation of students.

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