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Tae's pov :

I was walking in the corridor heading for my history class. When I reached close to the classroom, I took a deep breath and entered. The first thing I see is jungkook walking towards me and his gang behind him. He was again wearing that same devil smile when he saw me. I gulped hard.... My hands became sweaty and my legs were trembling out of fear. He came towards me, stretched his hand towards the hem of my shirt, grabbed it tightly and picked me up. It was becoming hard to breathe.

" Jungkook.. Pls let me down ",I cried.

" Aww... Cry baby" ,he said.

His gang grabbed me by my arms and legs and threw me inside the janitor's closet. My specs flew to the other side of the room as my body hit the dirty, smelly floor. I turned around and saw one of his member drew his belt out with a swift. He aimed the belt at me and then lashed it on my back. I scrunched my eyes and bit my lip, enduring the pain. After what it felt like hours the gang left the closet except for jungkook. He came close to my ears and whispered, "pathetic are a sore to my eyes". He slammed the door and left.

They hit me to a point where my back was almost bruised. I got up from the floor by holding a table and somehow managed to get out of the room. I tripped a few steps away from the door of the closet and hit my face on something hard and then everything blacked out.


Hope u all liked it.... Pls vote 💜💜

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