1- Weird Feeling.

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⬆️ The ending though. 😂 ⬆️

Entrapta's POV: " Your Imperfections are beautiful... At least to me it is !" I told Hordak. Hordak looked at me like I was an alien from another planet. We were in the lab trying to fix the portal but we ended up talking as always. 

I waited for his response but he just blushed, I didn't think it was possible for him to blush. 'But I guess under all of that evil, he still has feelings like everyone else. ' I thought to myself. 

" Aw, are you blushing?" I asked him, trying my best to hold back a smirk. I didn't want to come off as annoying, because my friends already thought I was annoying enough ( which hurt my feelings but I was getting used to it). 

" No. But did you just call me beautiful ?" Hordak asked. I gave him a sly smile, 'of course not.' Hordak wasn't beautiful.....He was a gorgeous creature that made my heart clench. 

" What if I did ? "I asked him as I took a few steps towards him. Hordak looked confused by my behavior. Even I was confused by my behavior, but with Hordak I lost all sense.

" Um....You're not ugly either." He said and I instantly smiled a goofy smile. That stubborn goofy smile. My heart started beating like a drum and I got butterflies in my stomach. I was confused at first but then I realized it was because of Hordak. Not like I ever had a chance with him.

" Thank you! " I replied flattered. I felt my cheeks heat up as Hordak kept on staring at me with his gorgeous red eyes.

" Um.... get back to work." He scolded and I stubbornly giggled. I liked how he secretly cared.

" Sure thing lab partner!" I said with a wink. Hordak blushed almost instantly and I thought 'Nothing's better than watching Hordak blush at my words!'


Hordak's POV:

  Nobody confused me the way Entrapta did. For some reason my cheeks heated up when she talked. Sometimes, I had to clear my throat because I would be left completely speechless by some of her words.

And sometimes , well rarely when I was with Entrapta. I would get this weird feeling in my stomach and heart.

I couldn't explain the feeling but I knew for a fact that it was making me weaker.

The weird feeling I had made me yarn for Entrapta's smile and smirk. The feeling made me want to hug her endlessly.

I wanted her to be mines. I wanted to give her everything. But I knew that would be impossible , because I was a machine and a failure.

'A machine cannot have these feelings,' I told myself. 'How weak can I get because of her ?  ' I asked myself as I looked in the mirror.

'How weak can I get? '


I never expected this story to get so popular. So thank you for all the votes, comments, and the wait is finally over. 

In case you haven't noticed I'm not the best writer. So expect some grammar mistakes. 

If you like this chapter consider leaving a vote. I started editing this story on Nov 14 , 9:37 at night. I'm finally going to finish this story!

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