Chapter One - Let's Kick Things Off

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Chapter 1

As one goes through life, the people who surround them will either help them up, or put them down. I was a happy person that grew up with good people surrounding me. I was the special child in the family. I could do stuff very efficiently, or in other words; I was too smart for my age. During my growing up, there were a lot of people who wanted to help me up, also there were a lot of people who wanted to bring me down. As for me, Atriz Lyth, a young upcoming adult reaching 20 years, it was neither. My family and friends, my mentors, anyone who knew of me, one day just disappeared from my view. This was not just coincidence. This was just pure agony, I was angry, really angry and sad and any other feeling of grief and anger. Then that happened. I was slowly disappearing from the world. First it was my social media accounts, my achievements and qualifications, then my papers of identification. It was like history was rewriting its self to eject me from it. It all started like this.

Ten minutes before disappearing

"Hey Atriz, why are you so into this reviewing stuff? Can't you do something else with your already awesome life?", my friend Zack asked me while sipping on some tea.

I was a 20-year-old graduate that was successful in everything I did. Academics? Did good in that. Sports? Did good in that. Etc? Did good in that as well. I was at the peak of my life I would say. I had my own house, I had my own vehicles, I had my own successful entrepreneur business.

"Can't you do something else with your life than drinking out my exotic tea collection?"

Zack laughed off the comment I made, "Yeah, yeah, you are using them and they're about to expire, so I want them to be useful. Instead of criticizing me, go criticize yourself for not calling your girl."

Sigh... I can't bother. I just want to do some really needed anime reviews. I wanted to do this for so long, but I was just so busy. But now I have the time and then you are now bothering me! I have already talked to Valentina. She knows that I am now doing this to please myself. I've even talked to my parents and siblings earlier too.

"That's done. Now go into the other room, I'm now going to record."

Zack got up with his cup of green tea and walked over to the living room, "Fine. Don't blame me if you are forgotten by her."

His warning couldn't come at a better time. Ten minutes later after I was done recording, I went over to the living room, "Yow Zack I'm done recording, lets go to the bookstore. I want to pick up some new manga volumes."

Zack was there watching TV not budging an eye at me. I nudged him on the shoulder, "Zack let's go."

Zack was not paying attention. I waved my hands in front of his face, no reaction.

What's happening? I bet your playing. Let's see if you can ignore this!

I threw a punch at him. The punch just went right through him. At that moment, I knew that something was definitely wrong, out of this world wrong.

"Zack, I'm done recording the video, I'm going to meet up with Valentina for some food, invite your girl as well."

That voice, It's mine! But it's not from me...

I turned around only to see myself at the doorframe. He looked over at me and smiled evilly.

No! Why?! Why is this happening to me?!

My clone, or rather my shadow was now in the real world posing as me. I don't know what he will do, so I tried to get Zack's attention, which was to no avail. Zack up and went through me, passing the clone," Yeah I think that's a good idea. I'll call Yanique. It's about time you get social, Alez."

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