Temporal things

71 21 14

Do you remember?
The first time you started to breathe
Do you remember?
The first time your heart started to beat
Can u assure me?
I will wake up when I sleep
If you remember then..
Please explain it to me
How human arrogance
Can rival the depths of the sea
With much learning,
The more you guarantee
Yet everything around you
Dwells in uncertainty
You trust the things that you can touch
The ground on your feet
You trust the things that you can see
People walking on the street
You trust the things that you can prove
On the basis of things like these
And yet you know the very things
Weren't... and will not always be
Your mind is a wonderful thing indeed
To quantify everything
To put the universe in the box
Your mind crafted cunningly
And maybe I'm ignorant
Or shortsighted in many things
But I know your brilliant mind
Is no different from these uncertainties
How all you know and ever will..
Will fade from memory
Yet keeps remembering to forget
What it could never be..

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