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Jomi Davison is tall,fair ,beautiful,has brown hair,tanned skin,blue orbs for eyes ,but most of all,she's an astronaut.

She was one of the youngest people to
be sent to Mars to study the surroundings and if they can find any living thing.Jomi is also a tech person,how cool is that!

She was very smart,when she was 12 years old,she won a free trip to space camp and she loved it.

She finished college as early as 19 due to her being very smart,and so she joined the space program. She did all sorts of exercise and it took her a year to be authorised to go to Mars,she spent the other half of the year traveling to Mars. There were other astronauts that were living there,there were up to 30 astronauts and they had already built houses,though they were made of metal and had very little space.

Some of the astronauts were studying plants,some ,the gravity,another set were studying the atmosphere and her set were looking for flowing water or any life form.

Jomi thought that she would be given an important and a less stressful work fit for her qualification but no,she was sent to hike everyday with some other astronauts and report back to the headquarters about their discovery.

She didn't like it one tinty bit. She had to wear this heavy suit that has a oxygen tank behind.She wanted to design new ships ,but she was never given the chance to go near that department.

Three years passes by and all she wanted to do was go back to earth where she can walk freely without anything heavy and see all the beautiful green leaves and nature.

A year later,she applied to go back to earth .


Jomi sat down and looked outside her small circular window to see the dry ground and the red sky.

She was really tired of this view.

She was happy she would return home the next day and see her beloved earth again.

She had packed all her stuff and was more than ready to go.

But then she thought of how lonely she was at earth,that was why she applied to go to space in the first place,Jomi was an orphan and always will be,but that did not stop her from being very successful.

The last four years she spent in Mars,though she did not like the job ,but the government filled her bank account with millions of dollars every week and she knew she would have too much money .

Someone knocked on her door multiple times which snapped Jomi out of her thoughts to go open the metal door.

"Oh hey Jenny"Jomi said while she opened the door and Jenny entered.

"What are you doing here?"Jomi asked.

"Yeah nice to see you too Jo"Jenny said sarcastically.

Before Jomi could find a pick a com back ,jenny wrapped her in a tight hug.

"I will miss you"Jenny said with teary eyes.

"I will miss you too" Jomi saw that her best friend was crying already.

"Oh don't cry,now you're gonna make me cry "Jo said while sniffling.

This was the hardest part,saying good bye to her friends who were now her family .

Even though Jo hated Mars,the people in it made her have second thoughts about going back home.

"Maybe I shouldn't go"Jomi said while sitting on her bed .

"Nonsense Jo ,nonsense,for christ sake ,you are 25 ,you need to live your life and find yourself a family,not waste your days working for the government. Its too late anyways for second thoughts,you have to find out what you really want,and if you don't like it,you can always come back."Jenny said while pulling Jo into a big hug again.

"What about you Jenny?I don't see you have a having a life partner,and you are just older than me with a year,so how am I different from you?"Jo asked .

"I got a daughter Jo and I am happy with her"Jenny said.

"But she needs her mother"Jo said in attempt to make Jenny come along with her.

"Yes,that is why the ship that is coming tomorrow has Cassie In there"Jenny smiled.

"You are bringing her here!to Mars?!"Jo shouted.

"Yes"she said.

"How will they even authorize a child to go to space ?"I asked.

"I threatened to quit,and they know I am quite to useful for them so they are bringing my princess"Jenny smiled again,I could see she was really excited about seeing her four years old daughter again.

Jo sighed for two reasons.
No.1 : Jenny won
No.2:they did not beg her to stay like they begged Jen .Not like she was being jealous or anything

Jen was working in the health sector and the doctors are not many so they don't want to loose the remaining ones and have all the astronauts die of a space disease.

Look at the irony,she spent all of her life reading books,went to space camp,finished college early with first class ,just so she could go to Mars and get unnoticed. All she was there to do was to hike,collect sand ,and take pictures,but again ,what was she expecting when she studier engineering,oh yes!she could have helped them with the cabin techs and stuff used for research.

Even an illiterate could do what they told her and some few astronauts to do.

Poor Jomi,she expected to be work with the big guys because of her qualification but she was disappointed.

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