13#building a ship#

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Jomi's POV

Turns out Tristan did not waste our money,he bought a very big land in and isolated area surrounded by trees.There was an ocean beside the land,the view was just breathtaking especially during sunset.

We were going to be building the ship underground. He used the money to build an underground space with all the equipment.

We where having fun making the ship that's for sure. Even Timily got to help,she looked so cute with car grease smothered on her face,and her cute smile.

We where already two months so far and we were not even able to build up to half of the ship,that's what happens when you want to build a ship that can fit a fifty thousand people,why did we even decide on fifty thousand people,that was obviously to much? We forgot we were the one's building the ship,there was no backing out now. Sigh.

Tristan somehow managed to convince his dad to build a ship,that can fit a thousand people,that was progress,knowing his dad has a thick skull,and bananas for brain,that man is very hard to convince,he wants everything to be done his way.

And the better news is that,next year Tristan's dad will no more be the president of NASA .A new president will be elected,yeah I was not too sure about it since people had to vote to make that possible,but again,more than half of the staffs that work in NASA loathes Mr O'Neil, including his son. I made a mental note to ask him why later.

We did not have to do much work on the ship,we just programmed the machines to do it and they did it,but we still had to do something alright.

"Hey Jo,pass me the screw driver"Jade said and I did.

"Thanks"he said.

I was working on the fuel pump while the rest where working on other things .

The music was turned on and everyone moved to the beat.

Timily did not know how to do much but she help us in providing equipment while looking cute and making jokes,cute jokes.

Tristan walked in with up to ten boxes of pizza in his hand and shouted. Tristan was like the party starter, I sighed,we were such to be working but Tristan being Tristan always enjoyed distracting people from their work.

"Who wants pizza!"Everyone immediately left what they were doing to grab a slice,including me.

After getting full on pizza we continued our work and after that,we went to our various houses,Mily really enjoyed doing this,she was not like the other kids who wanted toys,she was special,she reminded me of when I was child.

"I'm so tired"Timily dramatically out her hand on her forehead to wipe away imaginary sweat.

"Come and take a bath"I carried her to the bathroom. After we both took our bath we decided to go to sleep.  

We woke up the next morning,i gave Mily a bath,we ate breakfast,when we were done,i drove her to her school before I went to work.

Everything had been so stressful for me,but I was not the only one. I come to NASA in the morning to build  ship and go back home in the afternoon to build a ship. Why did the sun have to explode!!!

But I knew that it was going to get better ,someday. Lie ,why was I lying to myself,nothing was going to get better. I had lived in Mars for four years and I still dreaded that place,I knew I could not live there for the rest of my life.

Maybe with Tristan and mily,all the people I love,mars might seem more manageable for me. As far as I live. Tristan would always be there to lighten my mood. He was my angel I'm disguise ,he opened my heart cage and not just let himself in,he let other people in,that is Tristan for you.

Good things started happening for me in earth,I finally had friends,family,all I ever wanted ,and now ,the sun is taking all that away from me. Is it me ?am I a curse?or maybe I am not  supposed  to be happy , because anytime I am satisfied with my life,something bad always happens,just like how I lost my parents. Their deaths has an eye opener , nothing last forever and since then I surrounded my heart with a high wall ,followed by a cage ,i don't know what I was thinking when let other people in but I didn't regret,why not enjoy it why it last if you can't have it forever,and that is what I was going to do,i was going to enjoy time with the people I love.

I know it's a really short chapter,well I am suffering from writers block a little bit but in no time I will get back on track.😀

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