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Jomi's POV.

I woke up few minutes after,some the crew were in the same room as I giving me worried glances.

I forgot I slept of in the room for crew meeting.

Karrie came and gave me a hug ,followed by everyone in the room.

"Do you want anything to eat?"Karrie asked.

"No thanks"I had no appetite for food when I just lost my husband. That is why I always pushed people away,just like my parents,i loved them,they died,Tristan ,dead.

I look outside the small window,we in space alright. I still saw the sun was intact.

"I swear to God Jade if your predictions are wrong,i will skin you alive,and I will rip your guts out!"I warned,i was not doing any funny business not after I lost my husband because of that,i was dead serious.

Jade gulped in the bile that was rising on his throat,he was pale.

"It has to be right,it has to be"he said.

"If it's is not,just know that my husband died for nothing and it's on your head"I said . No one in the room tried  to intervene,you don't want to mess with a pregnant widow.

Just as he was about to talk,i fell down on the impact of the explosion,the sun exploded,the forced moved our ship out of balance until sometime.I looked at the chair where Mily was sleeping to see if she woke up,thankfully she didnt,she was one deep sleeper.

I was shocked,he was right,i had nothing to say so I left the room. That was the first time I was coming outside since I entered the ship.Karrie was trying to keep up with my pace.

I was hungry so I made a right turn to the cafeteria.

I ordered a bowl of chicken nuggets with sauce and made way back to the crew meeting room,i was almost there when I saw the last person I wanted to see on the ship.

apart from Chloe

Mr O'Neil,that bastard had the nerve to enter my ship,I saw him feasting , filling his mouth with food,doesn't he know his son is dead?

Karrie was trailing behind me to stop me from doing anything stupid. Too late Karrie cause I aggressively knocked away Mr O'Neils food and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Jomi,you are here,NASA gave you the privilege to this fine ship too I see"he said,looking calm in his lie.

'NASA? NASA my foot,he was even lying that my ship belonged to NASA,he had the nerve.

"Really Mr O'Neil because the last time I checked,it was me and your son that spent our money on this ship"and he looked like a child caught by their parents in a lie,so I continued.

"You really have no shame,i did warn you two years ago,you told me to exit your office and millions of people are dead now,because of you,including your son!"I shouted while Karrie was pulling me back.

This brought the attention of plenty people ,before you know it,jade and the rest arrived to see what was the ruckus.

"Tristan is what?"he asked ,he was completely pale.

"You didn't even ask after your son once we boarded this ship,all you wanted to do was to live and take credit for his work. While you were busy saving yourself,my husband died,he did not even get to know he was going to be a father"I cried on Karrie's shoulder.

"Your pregnant?"Tristans father,the crew and Karrie asked at the same time and I nodded.

"Yes ,and my baby has no father."and with that,i brushed my way through people,i went to take Mily to the cabin both of us will be staying,along with karrie.

Nobodies POV.

In it was up to five months,one more month to go before they arrive to Mars.

Everyone was scared to upset Jomi,she became even worse than her former self,she was self reserved,she didn't talk only if she needed to or she wanted to lash out at someone,she became unreadable,bottling up all her painful memories inside.

The only  person who she really interacted to and that made her smile was Mily,Mily made her happy,apart from Mily,Jomi did not want to be around anybody.Not because she hated them or anything,but because she was afraid of getting attached to anyone and have them taken away from her,she tried doing the same for Mily,but she could not push the bundle of joy away,she couldn't resist Mily.

They tried making her open up but they were just wasting their time and they realized that,some of them gave up,some didn't.

Everything seemed peaceful in the ship,the occupants were enjoying it,they were enjoying living,they did not even realize the amount of hard work,the crew put in the ship,they only cared about themselves,that is human beings for you,selfish parasites.

That is what they did to the earth,they never stopped exploring and they took good things from the earth and gave nothing in return.

Even if the sun did not explode they would have had to evacuate,because there will be flood,forest fires,earthquakes,and cancer. It was all happening before the sun exploded.

I want to let you guys know the role of Tristan in this book.

Tristan was mainly there to guide and help Jomi at that particular time,and he did. He helped her with the ship,he helped her make new friends,he did many things in her life,and his services where no longer needed so he had no role in this story again.

Happy reading

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