Chapter 1

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I was currently putting some of my stuff away, suitcase in the bed and a backpack right beside it. I was determined to leave this place, happy too. The door made a little squeak behind me, addressing that someone was coming into my room. I didn't bother to turn around because I knew who it was.

"It's today isn't it?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, finally" I told him as I put some books inside my suitcase then shutting it and closing the zipper.

I turned around and faced dad, he looked tired, like always but extremely sad "Come, he's waiting" he said while turning around and out the door. I followed him with my things but stopped on my feet because this would be the last time I would be in my room. It's not like I'm not gonna come back but I hardly doubt it. I breathed in and closed my eyes

'it's all for mom'

and damn right it was.

Dad and I made our way to Satan's castle, I was fucking massive. Dad worked for him for as long as I can remember but I'm not complaining because our leader and the man my dad works for is the reason I can go where I want to today. We went trough the big doors and approached Satan's throne. The servant that brought us got closer to him and whispered in his ear.

Dad vowed "My lord it is today, my son is going to the humans" he said softly "Please, I ask to take care of my boy on his journey"

Satan smirked as he got off his all mighty throne and approached us "Lei, you are so lucky you have been such a great man to me all these years hm?" he looked at me for a moment and sighed "Like I promised, Eris will keep him company"

I groaned when I heard the name, Eris was such an annoying fucker. If only he wasn't one of Hell's greatest soldiers I would beat his ass any day and any time. His personality was so hard to deal with. I'm so embarrassed we're even the same species, really.

Dad looked over at me and gave me the "stop it" look, he knew I didn't like Eris and he also knew how bad I wanted to kill him. Murder is legal on hell, but even if I did do it, he would be re born the next day to his original self, like whats the fucking point of making murder legal? We're already dead. I try to always avoid him because hes friendly to every demon in Hell, hes not even suppose to, demons are not suppose to.

"Thank you" Dad told him, Satan just nodded and told the servants to call Eris. I'm still processing this, Eris with me, in Earth. It's ridiculous and dumb. Dad thinks I can't protect myself when I'm literally a fucking demon who is about to work in Earth. I didn't need Eris, he would fuck up everything and just cause a distraction.

Eris came in with his stupid handsome demon face, lucky bastard. He talked to Satan and vowed to him before facing us. I can't describe the horrible smile he had growing from horn to horn when he saw me.

"Milo! Lei! I'm so happy to see you" He beamed.

"You're not suppose to dipshit" I snapped. Dad hit me with his elbow and laughed towards Eris "Big day for him Eris, sorry about that"

"Ah it's fine, hes like this all the time" Eris hit my shoulder playfully and I glared at him. "Ready?" He asked.

I stared at him for a moment, hating every second he was standing in front of me. Oh Satan, how I hated him so much. I could even smell his aura, so disgusting I wanted to barf. There's no particular reason why I hated him, he was just another idiot that was, for some reason, part of my every day life.

"Whatever let's just go" I was about to turn around but dad stopped me by grabbing my arm "Milo, please take care, remember, just get the name and contact us a soon as possible"

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