Chapter 8

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"I do kinda miss dad" I told Eris, putting my hands on my pockets.

It was true, I would like to at least talk to him and see how he was. Even though we said goodbye to each other in a wrong way, hes still my father and I miss him. There wasnt a lot of communication between the human realm and hell so I couldn't reach him that easily. I might as well talk to Ruby and ask her if its possible for Violet to talk to him.

"Yeah, I get you I do miss home" Eris looked a little sad when he said that. Hell for him meant everything, who would of thought he would leave it someday.

We almost reached the cafe but not before I felt a chill down my spine, as if something bad was nearby. I didn't like the sense of it, it felt so wrong. I stopped in my tracks and looked around, I spotted a little boy staring at me. His eyes pierced my body, glaring at me like no tomorrow. His mother, was talking to another woman while holding his hand.

He wasn't human

At least not at the moment.

"Eris" I grabbed his shirt, he turned around to look at me.

"Look at that boy" I whispered to him. Eris turned his head to look at the boy and by his expression, he seemed to sense the same thing as me.

Its a bother for me, children are usually so innocent and to have evil spirits inside their bodies is like losing their childhood. Their mothers, thinking they're raising this perfect child when in reality, its a monster waiting to grow up and eat her.

In hell they usually teach you all about this, anything associated with bad supernatural beings because they are closely related to us. Even though we dont harm, we just have horns, there are many wicked stories about us. I always wanted to learn about other beings, such as mermaids or fairies, but there was no point of teaching us things that we could never see.

"I don't like this, let's go Milo" Eris started dragging me inside the cafe.

I felt bad. I wanted to save that boy even if it was dangerous, he was trapped in his own mind, watching a fucking disgusting thing control his sensitive body.

"Milo" Eris called out to me.

I stopped thinking and shook my head "Sorry, got lost" I mumbled.

I started explaining the menu to Eris, he seemed to want to try everything but he just settled with some hot chocolate and a chocolate chip muffin. I ordered the same thing as last time, a sandwich and a cofee. While I was paying, some human girls wouldn't stop giggling behind us.

I turned over to glare at them, but they just smiled at me. What the fuck was up with them?

Eris picked up our tray and we sat down in a nearby table. He looked like a little kid munching on his muffin that it made me smile a little. I was about to eat my sandwich but I felt eyes on us, those fucking girls again. I looked at them, trying to figure out what the the fuck was their deal. They kept giggling and whispering thing to each other.

"Are those girls looking at us again?" Eris asked. He had little chuncks of chocolate chips around his lips.

"Yeah" I bit down my sandwich. I hated when people looked at me, was I ugly or some shit? Fucking creepy.....

"Do you want me to listen to them? Like even if they're far away, I can still hear them" Eris asked, finally cleaning his mouth.

"Holy shit can you do that?!" I almost yelled. I didn't know he could do that? He must be bulshitting, because I cant do that. But I mean he has more abilities then I could ever have.

"Well I can try" He stated.

So he couldn't?

I looked at Eris, he was just sipping his hot chocolate while his eyes kept looking at the ceiling, as if he was thinking. He then looked at me as I gripped my hands and bit my lip, curiosity running my body as I stared at him.

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