Chapter 5

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Piper has been showing me parts of the city all afternoon and I was grateful. He was a nice guy, but I could smell his anxiety when he was around me. He did seem comfortable but I guess I was wrong.

"Are you hungry? I know a good place" Piper said.

I wasnt crazy for food, in fact, I havent eaten since I came to earth. Ive been so caught on finding stuff quick that I didnt even think about eating. My stomach growled at the thought of it.

"Yeah sure" I said.

We walked a few more blocks talking about things. It was nice to see him laugh a little, like he meant it. He had to be depressed or just going through some stuff. His state keeps making me curious, like whats going on? Its so rare to see a demon so weak, so dead but yet alive.

We went inside a building, it looked like a cafe, people were eating and chatting away. We stepped in line and Piper explained all sorts of things in the menu. I decided to just go with a sandwich and a cafe, Piper having the same thing. I chose our seats while Piper waited for our food.

I looked around, studying people. Almost everybody was with someone. There was a couple at the cafe's corner, they were giggling all over. It was kind of annoying, I rolled my eyes of the thought of them 'so in love' just so they would have a big fight in the future and break up. Piper came over with our food and sat across me.

"Im sorry I didn't get it earlier" Piper said, grabbing his sandwich.

"Trying to get away from Eris?" I raised my eyebrow, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Is that his name?" Piper asked.

"Yeah, he's an idiot. Never heard of him?"

Piper shook his head and apologized for not doing so. I noticed he tend to try and talk to me but then backed up to being shy again. It was actually surprising he didn't know anything about Eris, Hell's pretty big, almost infinite but word goes around. Maybe hes been on Earth too long, hes the same age as me, so he must of lived the same centuries as me. At some point he had to get up here.

"Can I-" I was cut off by a voice, a familiar one of course.

I turned my head to look at the person, it was the tattoo shop guy. The one with the tattoos and nose ring. He was holding a bag and looked straight at me.

"I knew you seemed familiar!" He casually pushed me aside on our booth and took a sit. This fucker thought we were friends. Piper was just giving me the question look while he sipped his coffee.

"What are you doing?" I growled at him

"Well you know, since we ran into each other and all, I might as well join in and talk about how you're gonna fix things" He said, giving me a stupid clueless smile.

"Fix things?" I asked.

"You guys broke our shop's door" he tilted his head "don't remember?"

I suddenly remember when Eris suddenly came in and broke the door. I hate him for that, you could of just open the door you fucking moron. Now I have to waste my time with this human, I already had problems with Legion, I cant have his employee causing more drama. Or maybe, would he? I could use him and try again with Legion, so he can tell me the information I need.

I scoffed "You're talking to the wrong person"

Eris needs to get his ass here, and pay this scumbag, not me the fuck?

"Am I?" He took my sandwich and took a bite. Hes gonna blame me and take my food too?

"How did you brake that door anyway?" He munched my fucking sandwich away.

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