Chapter 3

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I went down and walked up to the front desk, a girl with long black hair noticed me "Hello, is there a problem?" She asked, I look at her name tag, Katie. A relatable name for a hybrid, her eyes were too big and she smelled funny, not to mention that long hair. It was easy to know.

"I need to find a place called 'Hell and Back'" I told her, her eyes for some reason twitched. She didn't like the sound of that, she knew trouble.

"Oh.." she paused "It's actually really close, do you have a phone? I can type in the address"

"I dont have one right now, I dont know the city either" I said. I realized that it would be hard if I didnt know anything, but she did said it was close.

She turned around, seemed as she was looking for someone, called them and turned back to me "My friend can take you there" I could tell she didnt like the idea, but she seemed like she really wanted to help me.

A second later, a guy came behind her. He was maybe the same height as me, messy hair and freckles on his face. He looked cute, but unusual for a demon. I could smell him, seemed like someone sneaked out of hell just to work at a front desk. Not that he could make himself out of something in earth, but I would of expected a higher position. He probably wanted to play safe, being protected by Violet and all.

"Kate I'm sleepy, I was about to take a nap!" The guy yawned and rubbed his eyes.

Katie whispered-yelled to him, thinking I wouldn't hear "Piper! Take a nap later! He needs to be taken somewhere, to Hell and Back" she mentioned that last part with a serious tone.

Piper looked at me, analyzing me and realizing we where the same. He looked shocked for a moment, he must of smelled me, fresh out of hell. I heard that Violet didnt make business with demons, thats because she only did when they only had a purpose to come to Earth. Satan must of played his cards right just to get me up here, but he's Satan after all. Violet couldnt be more powerful than him could she? 

Piper cleared his throat "Yeah sure, uh lets go" he walked over to me, nodded at katie as we walked out of the building.

It was quiet at first, any human that passed me I studied them. It was incredible, to actually see one. They must of been disturbed, because everytime I looked at them, I could feel the fear leaving their body.

Piper was stiff beside me, I'm not sure why. Did he sense I have a stronger aura than him? He couldn't be scared. He just couldnt.

"Uh" Piper finally said "What brings you here?.." He asked shyly.

For some reason, I didn't want to be rude towards him. I didnt want to snap at him or offend him. Hes a kid like me, and I wonder what his story was.

I hummed "That doesn't concern you" I tried my hardest to be nice. It wasnt working.

"Sorry.." He looked down.

I looked over at him as we walked more further "You can tell dont you?" I asked him.

"That you're a demon? Yes"

"So are you" I placed my hands inside my hoodies pocket.

He seemed like he was at ease now, comfortable. He chuckled a little "It's better up here anyway right?"

"I can't tell yet" I chuckled too "Why you up here?"

We came to a stop in front of a little building and Piper looked up "Thats a story I can tell later" I followed his eyes and I saw a sign 'Hell and back Tattoo' that was fucking fast. I had my ways of finding out who was here, he could lead me one step forward to everything. He might not be the greatest but I had a few tricks up my sleeve to tame him.

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