Chapter 4

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I could hear the annoying ass flying things outside, it was morning. I moved around my bed, trying to make myself more comfortable. It was a soft mattress and I was living for it. I didnt have a shirt on, just underwear. My muscles relaxed a little when I finally found the right spot to lay on, but I hissed when the back of my neck stung for a second. It was most likely my mark, it tend to do that randomly and I fucking hated it.

There was a knock on the front door and I whined. I was already so comfortable that I didn't want to get up.

I breathed in "ERIS!!" I yelled throughout the apartment, hoping he would hear me. At first it didn't work, and the second or the third. He must of been upset because of yesterday, I would of expected him to come quickly if I called him.

"Fucking Eris" I mumbled and rubbed my eyes. The person behind the door kept knocking and knocking while I tried to reach Eris. He was playing with me right now, I knew for sure. I was too tired to even put clothes on and greet whoever the fuck was at the door so I decided to just ignore it, maybe they'll stop by later.

The knocking stopped and I felt relieved. Once I was done with my slumber, I had a mission to beat Eris ass. I blocked my face with my arm, my plump lips were dry and my eyes were extremely tired.

"Why didnt you answer the door?" A familiar voice said beside me. I took my arm off my face and turned to the empty side of the bed. Ruby was laying down too, comfortable as fucking ever and just smiling.

"What the fuck Ruby!?!" I freaked out that I fell over the bed, my ass hitting the cold ass floor.

Ruby laughed and rested her head in her hands. She was trying to act cute while she kept smiling from ear to ear.

"Good morning Milo! I let myself in" she kept giggling.

"Really? No fucking way!" I said sarcastically. Ruby gave me a look, which meant she didn't like the cussing but I didn't care less.

"The door was locked" I rubbed my ass and covered myself with the blanket, I forgot I was in my underwear.

"I'm an angel! I have my ways!" Ruby beamed and got out of the bed "I gotta show you guys how to do things so you can fit in society. Come on! Come on!" She grabbed my arm and picked me up, my hand was still grabbing the blanket to cover myself.

"Wait! I gotta put clothes on!" I panicked.

Ruby stopped dragging me "Oh! Thats easy" she then put her small hand on my bare chest and my body started glowing. The light stopped and Ruby took her hand off, I looked down on myself, clothes were already on me. What the fuck just happen?

"Done! Okay lets gooooo" Ruby trailed and pulled my arm, dragging me to the big living room. We both sat down on the coach, two phones were on the small table in front of us already.

"So you did all that fuss and woke me up, but you didnt do it to Eris?" I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrow at her.

She smiled while grabbing a phone "Go wake him up, I'm sure he would be happy if you did it"

I scoffed and got up. His room was clearly closer than mine. I dont even know how the hell she enter my room, I didnt smell her. Creepy little shit.

I knocked on Eris's door "Erisss" I called "You up?"

There was silence I knew he was behind the door because I could smell him. I tried opening the door but it was locked. Something else I dont expect Eris to do.

"Eris come on I can smell you" I sighed. He wasnt really responding, I couldnt sense any movement in the room either.

I waited a few more seconds before I heard him "Are you gonna say sorry to me?"

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