Letter from the Author

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Dear readers,

The story you are about to read is a work in progress. The development of the story will be a hand in hand effort between you and me. I'll update as frequently as possible. This story has been bouncing back and forth in my mind since high school (I lost access to my old account, so I left the idea of continuing before). I already have some outlines regarding the story, but I'm still considering the changes that might take place later as the story unfolds.

Thanks to Wattpad, as it provides an opportunity for an amateur writer like me to narrate untold stories. There is a probability that you'll encounter occasional errors ahead, but I'm trying my best to read through before posting. However, that doesn't mean that I won't make mistakes, so please be gentle.

Feel free to let me know if you catch a grammatical error or some things that are just lame :)

I hope you enjoy the world that you might create in the story as you read it. Leave comments :) I love to hear from readers or even get to know you if I can.

Thank you so much for your interest.

I hope "Immortal Bites" will satisfy your expectations. Take my hand as we drive to another realm.

; Red

P.S. May contain a bit of violence (as it is a vampire love story) to run smoothly with the storyline. Support and vote <3

Aaaaand please, read the prologue.

Immortal Bites (Vampire Love Story) [Ongoing]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя