Chapter 10

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[ Scar ]

The warmth of Fluffy's tongue on my cheek woke me up. I reluctantly opened my tense eyelids, greeted by the oppressive atmosphere that accompanied the witching hour. The devil's hour, they called it.

I found myself huddled on the floor mattress. How many times will I wake up like this?

Strange dreams lingered in the corners of my consciousness, their details slipping away like mist through my fingers. Familiar feelings, too elusive to grasp, danced on the fringes of my awareness. I found myself entangled in a web of mystery, the enigma of my own mind unraveling in the eerie stillness of the night.

Strange Dreams. Familiar Feelings.

And what was that?

F l a s h b a c k

"No, I'm the devil and I'm here to take you" he whispered, just as when I'm about to open my eyes, another powerful set of hand took me away from the devil.

I didn't saw his face, but I heard what he said, "Find Leonardo, it's up to you to follow him of not. Face your real self."

I must find Leonardo? A set of theories and speculations came rushing in my mind. I know the reincarnation was not literal, it talks of something else. In a flash, at the back of my mind, something tells me that I represent Aurora. And who's Leonardo? And what did it mean to face the real me?

A new day means a new chance. Another opportunity to learn, grow, and unravel truths. Fluffy, my loyal companion, seemed to sense the unrest, his presence a comfort in the midst of the unknown. I forced my self to go back to slumber. It was a successful attempt.


Crisps of fried egg and rice.

Sweet aroma of coffee.

I filled my lungs with the scent. Smile slowly curved on my lips, but it vanished eventually by a strike of thought.

I'm alone in the house right? I checked my phone for messages. I ran my fingers to review Kiel's message but, no new entry?

Fluffy's attentive eyes met mine. She softly trailed her paws towards my lap. I'm enjoying her cuteness when I heard slow taps on the staircase. My eyes grew bigger when a familiar silhouette hastily walked and give me a hug. Wearing a perfume the same as Kiel Kennedy, I almost shrieked out if I didn't caught the natural scent on her neck. I can't make a mistake. I returned the hug tightly, bracing myself to her arms.

A wave of oxytocin cascaded through my mind, a gentle current of warmth and bliss unfurling within me.


"Oh 'bat parang 'di ka masaya na nakauwi na kami, baby?" She gently released herself from our embrace, cupping my cheeks with a look of love in her eyes. Tears welled up and escaped from mine. I reached for the back of her hand, seeking comfort after the roller coaster of events in the past few days. Craving the embrace only a mother can provide, I let her tousle my hair, her tender touch soothing the turmoil within me. In the midst of life's unpredictable ride, my mom's presence was a constant source of calm, it felt like gazing at the night sky. She's the best in everything. In challenging moments, the sound of her voice acted as my therapeutic elixir. At the end of the day, she was all I needed. If given the chance to meet my biological mother in the future, I'd never forget my adoptive mom. I'd narrate her kindness in every possible way. Despite not being their biological child, I never felt any less a part of them. She was a remarkable woman deserving of the best, and they deserved to experience the joy of having their own child. Unfortunately, despite their numerous attempts, fate hadn't granted them that opportunity.

"Let's take our breakfast then, baby," she gestured to hold my hand, but I unknowingly resisted.

"Susunod ako, 'ma," I uttered, my eyes fixated on my hand.

"Ok then." A few seconds passed, and I heard the door shut. Ano ba yon?

A green faint light flickered on my wrist, just beneath the scar etched from my childhood wound. I rose from my seat. Cold gloom wrapped around my skin as the mysterious light traced an intricate pattern, casting an otherworldly glow. Lifting my hand above eye level, the glimmer grew brighter, only to vanish into the recesses of uncertainty. I touched the spot desperately, hoping the light might return.

The radiance of the waving sunshine filled the room.

"Honey! What's taking you so long?" my mother's voice echoed, snapping me back to reality. I glanced down at my pulse, the familiar scar marked my skin — a reminder of the past. My scar was there, and nothing more.

Raising my feet to stride toward the kitchen, my eyes caught a glimpse of something peculiar near the door, right by my desk. A piece of paper lay inconspicuously on the floor. I bent down, retrieving it, my brow furrowing in curiosity. A statement was printed on the dirty white colored sheet.

I was about to read it when my mother's voice pierced the air again. Without a second thought, I tucked the mysterious note into my notebook resting on the table. The door beckoned me, and as I pulled it open, my gaze swept across the room, absorbing every detail.

Before stepping out, my eyes locked onto my wrist, drawn to the scar.

Immortal Bites (Vampire Love Story) [Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now