Infiltrating Harmony Part 1

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The sound of my footsteps echoing against the dark, smooth, pavement still haunts me to this night, as I lie in bed and stare up at my ceiling.

It was the year 2052, and I was chasing down a man with a bounty of over $10,000.   A heavy bounty for a vocation who had only killed one civilian. The thing was, he was suspected of creating plans to kill much, much more. In fact, the robot that I was chasing so relentlessly was suspected in planning what would be the greatest terror attack in the history of America... no, the world.

    Years before this, the serum known as HARMONY had been introduced to the world. HARMONY was a serum that, when injected into your bloodstream, took control of your thoughts and feelings, causing you to only think about the ones that would lead to a peaceful, crime free society. Bounty Officers like me didn't take it.

    The serum has been compared to many things, the most common analogy being that of heroin. This was because of the blissfulness and tranquility that was felt because of the serum, and because it is injected into you through a syringe. I like to compare it to heroin because it's unnatural, and should be illegal.

    After HARMONY was introduced to the world, the entire planet invented a new government party. Instead of the family fighting at Thanksgiving dinner about whether they were a Democrat or a Republican, they would all concentrate on eating their turkey, because they would all be under one party, Peace.

    Peace was a party that I like to compare to Communism. Everyone got whatever they wanted, whatever they wished for. This meant no more jobs. No more responsibilities. No more worries. So, to combat the need for obvious, daily vocations to be filled, robots that were dubbed vocations were created...

    This was the biggest mistake human-kind has ever made.

    The vocations started to uprise, but normal civilians didn't care, they were all too hyped up on HARMONY. It took a small group of people - including myself - who saw the flaws of the drug to rise up.

    Now, while regular civilians wallow in their own filth and roll around like giant balls of flesh, the group that has been given the name The Bounty Officers have been cleaning up the streets, and foiling the plans of the robots, all while asking for nothing in return.

    The Bounty Officers' name is simple. The Bounty part is because sometimes we collect money for the scumbags we capture, and because we don't follow the rules. The Officer part is because we enforce the rules. Some call it hypocritical, I call it necessary.

    The operation of The Bounty Officers is pretty much underground, but when it comes to chasing terrorist vocations like the one I was pursuing right now, we were more than happy to rise above the surface.

    So, I had been pursuing the vocation for more than 15 minutes, and my legs were starting to feel like jello, but I wouldn't stop running. I couldn't stop running.

    After what seemed like another eternity, we entered a farmer's market. Colorful fruit stands lined the streets, and banners hung high in the sky. Happy families passed by stands and grabbed goodies of all kinds, munching on them happily. I forced myself back into the moment, and locked my eyes onto the back of the head of the robot.

    Fumbling with my holster that was attached to my belt, I managed to grab my blaster, and I tried to steady it on the culprit during the pursuit, but I couldn't. I was terrible at shooting.

    A car flew past above, and the vocation saw his chance to escape.

    The vocation ran over to a fruit stand and kicked off of it, sending himself flying into the air. Once in the air, the vocation grabbed onto the bottom of the flying car, and started to sail away.

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