Infiltrating Harmony Part 18

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I felt bad accepting the offer that Berlin had presented, but I had a job to do. Berlin would take care of the evil robot, and I would go stop Destruction. Seemed fair.

    It was about 5:00, so I rode the elevator down and started towards the nearest sewer drain in order to get ready for the assault. Officer Wright had prepared a little presentation - according to the message I had gotten on my communicator - and I was mentally preparing myself for tomorrow night.

    I jumped into the water on the other side of the sewer drain that I had found, and started to walk towards HQ. My footsteps echoed familiarly as I trudged.

    When I reached the circular room, Officer Wright sat at the metal table, an arsenal of weapons spread out in front of her. I must have alerted her, because she jerked awake and looked towards where I was standing. "Hello, Monty."

    "Hi, Officer Wright," I replied. "I'm ready for the presentation."

    "Oh... right. The presentation." Officer Wright stood up from the chair and took her time to the head of the table. I slid into the room and replaced her in the chair she had been in.

    Officer Wright looked at the objects in front of her. "Okay... we are just going to quickly go over the weapons that we have here, and then we will go over the plan."

    "Sounds good," I said.

    Officer Wright picked up what looked like the but of a blaster. "This is what we call an extended blaster. Very powerful. You're going to want to be careful with this one."

    Officer Wright pressed a button on the side of the object, and with a whirring and a series of mechanical sounds, a long gun extended from the but. I had seen pictures of rifles before, and it looked similar to that. Wright pressed the button again and the gun retracted.

    Wright picked up what looked like a grenade. "This here is a suspension grenade. Anyone who is caught by this baby will be caught in a field that slows them... as the name suggests. Basically they'll turn into human snails."

    "Cool," I said.

    Officer Wright picked up the last two items. "And of course, your standard blaster and dagger. Are we all caught up?"

    "Yep!" I exclaimed.

    "Okay then, now for the plan," started Wright. "So Destruction is going to attack at 8:00 tomorrow night. I will position myself on the roof of HARMONY Headquarters in order to get a good visual on when they might be approaching. Since you work in the building, you will be in the HARMONY containment room - their main target. When I see them I will join you and..." Wright picked up the extended blaster. "...we'll light them up."

    "Sounds good," I said.

    "Okay, you're excused, but I want to see you in front of HARMONY Headquarters at exactly 6:00 tomorrow night... no later, no earlier."

    I nodded, and stood up. I shook Wright's hand and then walked through the sewers towards an exit. Before I knew it, I was in my hotel room, lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

    I couldn't sleep.

     As if in the blink of an eye, I was standing in front of HARMONY Headquarters, next to Officer Wright.

    A sash of suspension grenades was hidden under my button-up shirt, and my pockets were filled with an extended blaster, a dagger, and a regular blaster. The sun was starting to set over the building, casting shadows onto the pavement and causing my stomach to turn.

    "Alright," said Wright. "You ready?"

    "Ready as I'll ever be," I said, and we walked into the building.

    Everyone had already left for the day, so the elevator was empty. It shot into the sky as it had done every other time, and almost too quickly, we reached the containment room. "This is your stop," said Wright.

    "Sure is." I took a deep breath and exited the elevator. The containment room was just as it had been when Berlin had shown it to me last... just as beautiful.

    The room was untouched as far as I could see. There were no bombs on the giant tube of HARMONY, and there were no vocations anywhere. The whole place was ominously quiet.

     Officer Wright rode up the rest of the way to the top floor. From there, she would take the stairs to the roof, and from there would keep her eyes peeled for any signs of Destruction.

    BING! Officer Wright exited the elevator and opened the door to the stairs. She marched up them, her footsteps echoing against metal walls of the staircase.

    Wright opened the door to the roof, and stepped onto it. The sun was just disappearing now, and the gravel that had been put onto the roof crunched under her boots. Wright didn't even think to look over the side to see how high up she was. She wasn't too keen on heights.

    "Seriously?" a gruff voice with a British accent said from behind the shed that allowed access from the staircase to the roof. He stepped out, revealing the wires hanging from his face, and the blue tuxedo that he wore. The sun that bounced off his skin reflected into Wright's eyes, and she had to squint to see anything. "The Bounty Officers only sent two people?"

    "Yep," answered Wright. "Guess you aren't as important as you think you are."

    "Wow... that hurt my feelings." Vocation 13 grabbed at his chest dramatically. "I apologize, but I don't have a comeback... I'm not going to waste my best ones on a person who is going to be dead soon."

    "Don't be so sure, 13," said Wright. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her dagger, and drew it from its sheath.

    "Wow, so forward," said Vocation 13. He drew a dagger from within his tuxedo, and pointed it at Wright's heart.

    "Shall we see if the dagger cuts metal as well as skin?" Wright asked, and they ran at each other, their daggers connecting in an X as the sun finished it's journey to the other side of the planet.

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