Infiltrating Harmony Part 12

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Officer Anderson was proud of himself for being this productive. So far that day, he had dropped his kids at school, put clothes into the machines at the dry cleaners, and now he was on his way to The Bounty Officer HQ for their nightly meeting.

    As far as Anderson could tell, Monty's mission was going swimmingly, and he took full responsibility, as he was the one who had done most of the planning. He admired this fact as he approached the sewer drain that he was going to use to get to headquarters.

    Walking through the sewers now, Anderson started to think about Berlin Lewis. He had heard from Burton that Monty had recruited her, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of guilt due to her father, who had been killed because of him and the other leaders. But they hadn't known that that was going to happen. Burton assured them that nothing would happen.

    Upon approaching the HQ, Anderson started to hear weird noises. Burton seemed to be talking loudly on the phone. There was no sign of Wright, which was strange. Wright was usually the most enthusiastic one.

    When Anderson reached the entrance to the HQ, his eyes widened and his stomach dropped.

    Officer Wright sat in her chair, her hands tied behind her back. Her sunglasses sat on the table in front of her. Officer Burton stood nearby, screaming into her communicator, yelling orders.

    "What the hell is going on here?" Anderson yelled down into the middle of the dome.

    Officer Burton and Wright turned to look at the leader, who stood looking perplexed at the scene that was unfolding in front of him. "Oh, nice of you to join us, Officer Anderson."

    "Burton, I demand that you tell me what is happening, or I will be forced to shoot. You know I don't want to do that." Anderson reached for the blaster on his hip.

    "I'm afraid its a secret," said Officer Burton. The Officer pulled out her blaster, and pointed it at Anderson.

    She pulled the trigger, and the blast hit Anderson directly in the chest, sending him falling into the headquarters.

    Officer Anderson slid down the side of the wall, and through blurry vision saw Officer Wright's eyes widen in horror.

     "No!" Officer Wright screamed.

    Officer Burton walked over, and pointed his blaster at the man who lay on the floor, wounded and out of breath. "Goodbye, Anderson." And then she pulled the trigger.

    Berlin didn't know how she could have gotten herself into this situation. A couple of days earlier, she had been having fun, and now she was in an obviously moving car with a bag over her head.

    The car zoomed through traffic, and Berlin could hear disgruntled road-ragers screaming at the top of their lungs as they zoomed by.

    Berlin felt the car dip, and start to move towards the ground. We're almost there, thought Berlin.

    She felt the car slow, and then touch down onto the ground. With what she was seeing through the bag, it seemed like another warehouse, one colder and more menacing than the one before.

    The door next to Berlin opened, and she was helped out by cold, robotic hands. They started to walk towards the door to the warehouse, and the cold of the night made her shiver.

    The warehouse door opened, and Berlin started to walk down a long, winding hall, being led still by the same vocation.

    After walking, she was stopped in front of a door. The metallic door was flung open, and Berlin stood for a second while her wrists were cut free and the bag was taken off of her head. Then, she was shoved into the room, and the door shut behind her.

    "You will be let free when all this is over," said the vocation.

    "Go to hell," replied Berlin, who lay on the ground, a result of the push.

    A shuffling from the side of the room alerted Berlin, and she looked over to see another woman.

    Berlin, still on the floor, asked, "Officer Wright?"

    "Yes, they got you, too?" asked Wright.

    "I guess so," said Berlin. "How long have you been here?"

    "A couple of hours. You get used to it."

    "After a couple of hours?"

    "Yep!" Wright slouched back against the wall.

I opened the door to the train car that I had been sitting in and poked my head into the hallway. There was no sign of anyone.

    "Okay... here we go," I said to myself.

    Exiting the car, I started to walk towards the front of the train. Maybe I could get some information on where we were going.

    Suddenly, a vocation exited a car a couple steps away from me. It was the vocation that had the pipe in its back - the one that had permanently damaged my hearing.

    "Are you going somewhere?" it asked, possibly trying to scare me. But I was done. This ended here and now, Destruction had taken way too much from me for me to be worried about one of their little goons who thought he was all that.

    "Yeah actually," I answered. "I thought I would make my way to the front, try and figure out where the hell we are!"

    The vocation seemed to find that amusing, because it began to laugh. I got into a fighting stance and looked it dead in the eyes, eyes that lit up in a mix of surprise and excitement when it saw that I was ready to battle.

    Bounty Officers were required to take a 2 year course on how to fight before they could officially join the force. Sure I had been beaten by this guy before, but then again... I had never really been given a fair chance.

    The vocation ran at me like a raging bull, and I used the adrenaline that was coursing through my veins to leapfrog him, making it clear onto the other side of the hallway.

    While I was in the air above him, I managed to grab the pipe that was in his back, and I now stood facing him, holding it in my right hand.

    He ran at me again, this time being more cautious. But again, I was ready. The vocation tried to drop a fist down on me from above, but I parried it with the pipe and pushed up, sending him stumbling back. Then, I swung the pipe at his chest, resulting in a CLANG! and a wince from the robot.

    "You're dead," he said, his eyes becoming narrow slits of hate. And the vocation ran at me again.

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