Infiltrating Harmony Part 10

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"We're happy to have you," said Officer Burton. Berlin and I sat in front of my communicator, a video call being held between us and the leader.

    "Thanks," said Berlin, a tad bit of hesitation in her voice. It was obvious that she hadn't forgiven the leaders for getting her father killed.

    "Anytime!" Officer Burton exclaimed, not hearing the hesitation. "We actually have some great news to share with you guys. Another inside operative has found out exactly where Destruction is keeping the explosives that will be used in the attack. The warehouse isn't actually far from where you two are now!"

    "How do you know where we are?" asked Berlin.

    "Tracker in Monty's communicator of course." Berlin looked at me. I nodded, my lips pursed. "Now, as you two know, ever since the first candidate who fell under Peace was elected, weapons of almost all kinds have been wiped off the face of the country. If you two manage to get rid of these explosives, it will be extremely hard for Destruction to find new ones, and their plan will be delayed... maybe even stopped."

    "Sounds good," I said.

    "Alright, a vocation that works for us is on their way to deliver your materials. This is sort of going to be an undercover operation within an undercover operation."

    "The creators of 21 Jump Street are shitting themselves right now," I joked. No one laughed.

    "Good luck guys!" And with that, Officer Burton hung up.

    As soon as Burton disappeared from our screen, there was a knock on the door. Berlin opened it, and I could see that on the side was another vocation, a different one from the robot who had delivered my goodies before.

    Berlin thanked the vocation, and brought the newly acquired suitcase over to the yellow couch that we sat on.

    Upon opening it, we discovered two blasters, as well as a pair of keys. I picked up the keys, written on them was a note: IN PARKING GARAGE.

    "Sweet," Berlin said.

    Stake outs were always my least favorite part of being a Bounty Officer. I enjoyed the high speed chases and shootouts, along with every other Officer to ever exist.

    But here I found myself, sitting next to Berlin in a jacked up car, wearing all black. The entrance to the warehouse sat on the opposite side of the alleyway from where we sat, a mysterious metal door that held enough explosives to ruin the world for years.

"See anything?" Berlin asked.

"Nope," I answered. "Not a thing."

"Should we make a move? I mean, how long can we sit here?"

"No, and as long as it takes. We just have to see someone exit or enter, and then we can strike."

    "Fine," Berlin sank farther into her seat.

    Suddenly, out of the darkness, a vocation started to move towards the door from the side, looking over his shoulders like a paranoid mouse.

    "Hold on," I said, raising my hand.

    "What do you mean hold on? I wasn't saying anything!"

    "Shhhhh!" I could feel Berlin roll her eyes. The vocations stood at the door for a second, and then entered. "Okay, now!"

    Berlin and I opened out doors, and crept towards the door, one hand on our blasters. The door was solid metal, and I took a step back.

    "Ready?" I asked. Berlin nodded.

    I kicked the door with all my mite, and to my surprise it swung open. But the victory of opening the door was bitter sweet, because on the other side was the largest grouping of vocations I had ever seen, and they all had their blasters pointed at the people who had just entered, uninvited.

    A vocation who matched the description from Berlin's story stood on a platform that hung from the ceiling. His face looked even more terrible than I had imagined it. After all, years had gone by. The wires that were only exposed before now hung from his face.

    "Greetings!" exclaimed Vocation 13, sounding surprisingly welcome. "Allow us to show you to your spots!"

    Two vocations approached, and with an eye roll from both Berlin and I, we handed over our blasters.

    Then, out of the darkness a bag was put over my head, plunging me into total black. "Berlin, ru-!" was all I could get out before something struck me in the back of the head, knocking me out cold.

    I awoke to complete blackness, because the bag hadn't been taken off my head yet. Although, I could feel that I was tied to a chair, my arms pinned to my sides.

    "Hello?" I exclaimed.

    After a couple of seconds, the bag was ripped off of my head. I was in a bare room, the only visible area being the one lit up by the light that was shining on me, making me sweat uncontrollably in the stuffy room.

Berlin was nowhere to be found. I started to sweat harder.

"Hi there, Jerry," said a voice in the dark. "Mr. Richardson told us all about you."

My boss was working for Destruction? I thought.

"Who's there?" I asked into the seemingly empty room. Vocation 13 stepped out from behind the sheet of black.

"Your worst nightmare," said Vocation 13, cracking his knuckles. Maybe it was the weight of the situation, the mix of not knowing where Berlin was or the fact that I was about to die, but Vocation 13's comment struck me as funny.

"That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?" I laughed.

"You're a bit dramatic," rebutted Vocation 13.

"That doesn't make sense," I said.

"Shut up," Vocation 13 said simply, and backed into the darkness.

The two vocations who beat me in the alley replaced him, their silver skin glowing faintly in the interrogation light. My eyes widened.

"Remember these guys?" asked Vocation 13, shrouded in black again. "Well if you ever want to see the light of day again, I'd answer the questions I'm about to ask. Because these boys were going easy before, and I'm sure that they'd me much obliged to show you what real pain feels like."

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