Infiltrating Harmony Part 19

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Wright pushed off of Vocation 13, and they both stumbled away from each other. "Not bad, Officer Wright," said Vocation 13.

    "You're not too bad, either... for a dirty robot," said Wright.

    Wright brought her dagger down on top of Vocation 13's head, and he brought up his dagger to parry it. He pushed up more with the weapon and sent Wright stumbling back once again.

    Vocation 13 ran at Wright and thrust his dagger towards her. She sidestepped him, and allowed him to pass. Once the vocation had passed, Wright placed her foot on the center of his back and kicked. He flew forward, and rolled to a stop just before going off the side of HARMONY Headquarters.

    Wright walked over and looked down upon him, looming. "This is easy."

    "We aren't done yet," promised Vocation 13.

    The robot fell off of the ledge, holding on to the top of the building, and swung to his side. Vocation 13 let go, sending himself flying onto his feet just to the left of Officer Wright. He extended his arm, his dagger now right under her chin... right in front of her throat.

    Wright grabbed Vocation 13's arm and pushed it forward, allowing herself time to back up and regroup. They had been way too close to the ledge.

    Vocation 13 turned around and stared at Wright. "I really wish this could go on longer, but I have business to attend to."

    Vocation 13 spun around and planted his foot, throwing his dagger with as much force as he could towards Wright. The weapon plunged into her stomach.

    Wright looked down at what stuck out of her with shock in her eyes.

    "Bye-bye," said Vocation 13. He walked past her, towards the entrance to the stairwell. The moon had just started showing its face. Wright fell onto her back and looked towards the sky, the blood now soaking through her shirt.

    The stars glistened beautifully in the sky, and Wright closed her eyes, insistent on holding on to the little bit of life that was left within her. She pulled herself to her feet. "I'm coming, Monty!"

    I stood staring down at my communicator, waiting for Wright to send me a message to tell me that Destruction was on their way.

    I walked over to the giant window that stood instead of one of the walls of the room. The city of Boston looked incredible at this time of night, the lights of the building adding a little bit more illumination to the night sky that the stars already lit up pretty well.

    "Wow," I couldn't help but say.

    Suddenly, something caught my eye. A car was rising dangerously high above the designated area that was given to them to fly. It turned towards the window that I was looking through, and started to speed up.

    "Yeah, that's not good," I said and ran towards the other side of the room.

    The car crashed through the window with a deafening sound. Shards of glass rained upon me, cutting my skin and causing me to grimace in pain. It hovered above the floor of the giant room for a second, before touching down.

    The top of the car flipped open, and three vocations jumped out, holding extended blasters. They pointed it in my direction.

    "Wait!" I screamed and reached for a suspension grenade. I threw it with all my mite towards the group of vocations, and they pulled their triggers as it flew through the air.

    I shielded my face, and miraculously, nothing hit me. When I moved my arm, the robots were frozen in time, and would be for a couple more seconds.

    I sprinted towards them, fumbling with my blaster, and pointed it at one of the vocations. I pulled the trigger, and one of their heads exploded in a series of sparks and flashes.

    A blast from behind me alerted me to someone who stood in the entrance to the room. I whirled around to find Vocation 13 standing with his blaster pointed at me.

    Me freezing allowed the other vocations time to unfreeze. I felt a metal arm wrap around my neck, putting me in a headlock. I kicked and squirmed, but I couldn't free myself.

    Vocation 13 walked over to me, and looked me in the eyes. "We just can't get rid of you, can we?"

    "Nope," I replied. "I'm like a virus."

    "Drop him into the street," Vocation 13 ordered. He pointed to the hole that had been created from the car.

    I didn't even protest. The vocation dragged me towards the hole, and swung me around, so that my legs dangled over the street below me. The night air chilled my bones.

    "Leave him alone!" I heard from below. Slowly, a car rose in front of us. Inside, sat Officer Wright, the top of the car open and an extended blaster pointed at the whole scene. Her other hand held her stomach, where a red stain stuck out like a sore thumb on her shirt.

    "Just drop him!" Vocation 13 screamed, and the robot holding me followed his orders.

    I plummeted towards the ground, my stomach entering my skull. Then, something struck me.

    While falling to my death, I pulled a suspension grenade out of my shirt. I pulled the pin, and waited patiently as time ticked until it exploded. The ground grew closer and closer, and my mind started to wander.

    If I survived this little tumble that I had taken, I wonder how different my life was going to be with Berlin? I assumed it was going to be amazing, and smiled. I closed my eyes and convinced myself that if this was it, Officer Wright would stop Destruction and save the world. My nose was practically touching the ground now.

    With a deafening BOOM! the suspension grenade exploded. Everything around me slowed down. A bird that happened to be flying past me moved in slow motion in front of my face. I looked at it while it examined the situation it was in, in a sort of comical confusion. After a couple of minutes, the effect wore off, and I slammed into the ground, but at a speed that resembled the kind of just tripping, rather than plummeting from a building.

    I looked up at the floor that I had come from. "I have to get up there."

    A nearby car beeped, as if being unlocked. I looked over to it, and to my surprise, stood the family that I had carjacked a lifetime ago. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my blaster.

    "Keys," I said. They knew the drill.

    I got into their car, and started soaring into the air. What greeted me made me lose a little hope, however.

    In the room that I had just left, Wright's car had been parked on the ground, as if she had landed and jumped into action. She, however, was in the corner of the room, wrestling with a vocation who was obviously winning.

    The other vocations stood under the tube of HARMONY, their car trunk now open. It was filled to the brim of what looked to me like bombs. Vocation 13 stood next to the car, his hands behind his back.

    Satisfaction was granted to me, though, when he looked at me and his smile dropped off of his face.

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