Infiltrating Harmony Part 20

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I left the car that I had just stolen and leaped into the building. It stayed in the air, allowing for a quick getaway if necessary.

I hit the ground in a roll, the glass shards cutting my skin everywhere. I pulled the extended blaster out of my pocket and pressed the button. It became the rifle-like weapon that I had seen earlier, and I balanced it on my shoulder, pointing it at the vocation that was wrestling with Officer Wright.

A vocation's charging body hit me just as I pulled the trigger, causing the blast to hit the wall behind Wright's head. This caused a distraction for the vocation that was wrestling with her, however, and Wright saw her opportunity.

The Bounty Officer jumped onto the robot and brought out her dagger, stabbing it in the back of the neck. Curiously, the robot buckled, becoming a lump of metal on the ground. We had never learned that in Bounty Officer training... or maybe we had. I hadn't really paid attention.

Now, there was the vocation that was on top of me, and Vocation 13.

"I don't have time for this!" screamed Vocation 13. He marched over and extracted one of the bombs from the back of the car. It was a complicated contraption, one that would stick to the tube of HARMONY and on Vocation 13's command, explode.

The vocation that had slammed into me was getting up, standing over me. My body was numb from the hit. Why had they made these robots so strong?

Through semi-blurry vision, I looked over to find Wright swaying as she stood. The blood still poured from the mysterious wound, she was going to collapse at any moment. I had to make this quick.

Pulling myself to my feet, I limped over to the extended blaster that had exited my hand upon impact, and pointed it at the vocation that had charged me. It turned around and saw me getting ready for my assault, however.

The beast charged me, and I had enough time to steady my hand and pull the trigger, inserting a hole into the vocation mid-run. It paused for a second, and then collapsed, sliding to a stop right in front of me.

Now there was just Vocation 13.

"I have to admit," said Vocation 13. "You Bounty Officers are better at this then you seem."

"It's over 13!" I yelled.

"Is it? Because the way I see it... it's just begun," said Vocation 13. I looked over to see Wright, who was now on her back, staring up at the ceiling. "It's you, a puny Bounty Officer, against me, a robot who was built for labor with unnatural strength."

Suddenly, I thought about what Wright had done before she had collapsed. The Officer had stabbed the vocation on the back of the neck, and it had turned off. What was that about?

I decided to try it, after all I had nothing else to go on. I had to be smart about this, though.

"People like you really annoy me," I said.

"Oh yeah?" replied Vocation 13. "How's that?"

"Well," I began. "You're willing to see millions of people suffer just so you can be in control... I hate to break it to you, chief... but the Bounty Officers have seen people like you a hundred times over. You aren't special."

"It doesn't matter how special I am," said the robot. He started to edge closer. His giant ego was getting the best of him. "Because once this is over, I will rule the world! Because you see -"

"Let me guess," I interrupted. "You are going to save some of the HARMONY so that when the supply gets low you'll be humanity's only hope?"

He was getting extremely close now. "How dare you interrupt me!" he screeched. "You will feel the wrath of my iron fist! I will control the planet! I will be the biggest... the most famous dictator this world has ever seen!"

"Listen shithead," I said. "No one likes a show-off."

He was upon me. Vocation 13 kicked me in the stomach, and I slid back onto my back. He had put a lot of emotion into that kick. My ribs were broken... again.

The vocation walked over and knelt next to my body. He wrapped his hand around my face, cutting off all ways of breathing. It was now or never.

Blindly, I reached for my dagger, trying to be as subtle as possible. " Do you want to know the funniest part about all of this, Monty Chapman? Even if you had defeated me, there are so many more Destruction members... it's almost uncountable. We are only the beginning. Your own Officer Burton realized that," said Vocation 13. "You are going to die here, at my hands. Just like the father of that wretched woman that you love so much."

In his over-dramatic speech, he hadn't realized that I had been orchestrating his demise.

I slipped the dagger seamlessly into the back of his neck.

Vocation 13's eyes started to flicker, and his mouth fell open. His hand fell from my face, and I gasped for breath. He fell off of me, onto his back, his lifeless face staring up at the golden tube that he was just trying to destroy.

I pulled myself slowly over to Office Wright. There was a tear in her eyes, and I layed next to her, joining her in staring up at the ceiling. Both of our bodies were cut and battered, and I was going to take weeks before our faces were back to normal. It was hard for me to talk, but I gasped dryly, "Are you okay?"

"Yep," said Officer Wright reassuringly. "We are going to be okay."

I stood in front of Berlin's door, my heart racing, and the bouquet of roses in my hand matching the blood stains that I hadn't had time to wash off.

Before I had gotten to HARMONY Headquarters, I had sorted the situation out properly with Genie. She hadn't said much, but I told her anyways... everything. About how she was now just a slave to HARMONY. That I had just pulled off a death-defying undercover operation, and she hadn't even cared. And finally, about how I wasn't happy anymore. She said she understood, and that she agreed with everything that I said, but from all I knew, her mind could have been flooded with thoughts of when she would have her next fix of HARMONY.

My hand raised to knock on the door, and I brought it down once. Before I even had a chance to knock again the door flew open, and there on the other side stood Berlin Lewis, a smile spread across her face. She ran into the hall and wrapped her arms around me.

"You did it!" she exclaimed, alerting the whole hallway.

We walked into her apartment and stood in her living room. Berlin walked over to the record player that I had seen in the drugged state, and she placed a record down. To my surprise, My Girl started to play.

Berlin waltzed back over to me, and placed her arms on my shoulders. I couldn't help but smile from ear to ear the whole dance... mostly because, for the first time in years, without any use of unnatural drugs that clouded your view of reality... I knew that I was truly happy.

The End.

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