Infiltrating Harmony Part 14

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The train came to a complete stop at the station, and I stood at the door like a runner getting ready for a race.

    As the train had sped towards Boston, I had come up with a plan of how I was going to handle the crippling situation that had been put in front of me.

    First, I was going to go to HQ to make sure everything was okay. Then, I was going to find Berlin, and then from there make it to HARMONY Headquarters in time to stop the tearing apart of everything that people know and love.

    I had to take a deep breath.

    The doors opened and I exited normally, not wanting to alert anyone to the peril that I felt they were in. Then, as I approached the steps to enter the city, I started to pick up the pace, not running, though. I felt like an old woman in a mall, speed-walking, just trying to get a little bit of exercise in.

    I knelt down in front of the first sewer drain that I found, and pressed my communicator into the drain. As per usual, the process began, the purple lights illuminating the street as the sun rose over the city.

    I dropped into the sewer, and began the trek to the circular room. The water sloshed ominously under my feet as I grew closer, disgusting smells filling my nostrils. How had the operation fallen apart this quick? I thought.

    Upon reaching the circular room, I looked down into the middle, and smiled from ear to ear. There, sitting at the desk, was Berlin and Officer Wright, sipping cups of coffee.

    I practically threw myself into the room, and ran over to the table. Berlin noticed me before I could reach them, and got up, running over to embrace me. Over her shoulder, I saw Officer Wright wiggle her eyebrows at me, smiling.

    "Thank God you're okay," said Berlin, squeezing tighter.

    "I was really worried," I said, and pulled away from Berlin. "What happened to you guys?"

    "It's kind of a long story," said Officer Wright.

    Officer Wright poked her head out into the hallway, to search for threats. Seeing that there were none, she motioned for Berlin to follow her, and then moved into the hallway.

    "Where do you think we are?" Berlin asked.

    "Judging by the car ride, I think we are still in the city," said Officer Wright.

    "Oh good," replied Berlin.

    The two women approached a hallway that met the hallway they were on at an intersection. Footsteps sounded around the corner, and Wright motioned for Berlin to stop.

    "Someone's coming," said Wright. She raised her sharpened shard of brick.

    Wright took a deep breath, and then stepped out into the other hallway. A woman vocation stood, a baseball cap on and a clipboard in hand.

    "Why, hello there," the vocation turned around. "May I be of assistance."

    Wright put on her friendly voice. "Yes please, how do you get out of here?"

    "Well," said the vocation, "You are going to want to take this hallway down to the next intersecting hallway, and then there will be an exit at the end of that hallway. But first, I have to know your name so that I can authorize your exit."

    "That won't be necessary," said Wright, and charged the vocation. Even though the other vocation had been extremely easy to defeat, this one was going to be different.

    When Wright arrived at the robot's destination and raised her shard, the robot booted into action.

    The vocation grabbed Wright's wrist, and turned it, disarming the officer. The sharpened brick clattered to the floor. Then, still holding her hand, the robot threw the woman into the wall that was next to her. Officer Wright landed on her back, breathing heavily.

    Berlin looked around the corner, and gasped. "Here goes nothing," she said out loud to herself.

    Berlin ran out from the corner and hit the ground, sliding towards the shard of brick. She must have taken the vocation by surprise, because she slid right by, and ended up on the other side, holding the brick.

    Lewis ran at the vocation, and tried to stab it in the back of the neck like Wright had taught her, before the robot turned around, but she wasn't quick enough. The vocation twirled around like she had against the officer, and caught Berlin's wrist.

    However, Wright was up and ready for round two now. Berlin dropped the shard, which landed in Wright's palm on the other side of the vocation. Wright stabbed the vocation in the spot, and it collapsed. The two women stood over the body, hyperventilating and silently glad that each other had been there.

    "Not too bad, Lewis," said Wright. "Have you ever thought about being a Bounty Officer?"

    "No," answered Berlin. "Not ever since my dad."

    Wright looked at Berlin with eyes that showed remorse and guilt. "I'm really sorry about your dad. I swear that we didn't know that the..." Officer Wright's eyes widened as she realized something.

    "What?" asked Berlin.

    "Nothing, I'll explain later, we have to go."

    Suddenly, an alarm started to blare throughout the warehouse. A loud system near the two women's heads barked an announcement, "Two prisoners have escaped, please be on lookout."

    Wright grabbed Berlin's wrist and started to sprint towards the door that the vocation had described.

    Following the directions exactly, the two found the door... another metal door that most likely led out to an alleyway.

    "Jesus, there must have been a sale on metal doors," said Berlin.

    Wright took a step back and then ran up to the barrier, kicking it and sending it flying open. On the other side - a sewer drain.

    "Come on!" exclaimed Wright as she exited the building and crouched down next to the drain. She placed her communicator in the appropriate spot.

    The two women slipped into the sewer, and the drain slid shut just as Officer Burton and Vocation 13 exited the building, barking orders.

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