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Fun Fact: Izuku carries the guilt of murder every second of his life. It eats him from the inside and causes him to have low self esteem.

The room was white, a blinding white. Each time Izuku blinked his eyes open, he becomes monetarily blinded. White was a foreign colour to the short boy, he's so used to the dark colours of the grimy alleyways, the blood red of that all too familiar sticky substance that oozes out of his victims body. Seeing a room so clean, so white. It seemed like a dream.

"We're gonna ask you a few questions about yourself and the crimes you've committed, don't bother lying since my quirk can detect a lie from miles away," the detective that introduced himself as Naomasa Tsukauchi explained. "Ok," Izuku replied, eyeing the one sided glass blankly, his eyes drifting in and out of focus as his head slowly turned back to look into the detectives eyes. "What's your name?" Tsukauchi started, picking up a clipboard and a pen to write down his answers. "Izuku Midoriya," the detective nodded, scribbling on the paper before looking back up, "age?" Midoriya took a sharp intake of breath, looking down at the table in thought. It took him a solid minute to actually remember, "fifteen." The detective gave a curt nod, writing furiously on his paper before wincing with a grim expression before looking back up.

"How many lives have you taken?" Izuku put a finger to his chin, he'd lost count, but he may as well estimate. "I'm not exactly sure, I think around...." Izuku started counting on his finger, muttering to himself as he went on, "seventy?" Izuku asked, looking back at the detective. "It wasn't true, could you try to rephrase it a bit so it's more of a true or false question," Izuku nodded, finger back on his chin again. "I'd say over sixty?" The detective nodded. "Alright then, if you could keep going up by ten to figure out the exact amount please," Izuku went back to mumbling, "more than seventy?" The detective nodded, "more the eighty?" The detective frowned, shaking his head slightly. "Eighty?" The detective gave another negative reaction, so Izuku continued, "seventy-nine?" Another shake of the head, "seventy-eight?" Tsukauchi frowned, nodding affirmatively. "Jesus Christ..." the detective muttered, scribbling for a few seconds before continuing.

"Did you choose to kill the people?" Izuku shook his head with a 'no'. The detective's frown lifted slightly, though he was still wearing a frown, "what drove you to kill them?" Izuku thought for a minute. "The simplest thing I can say is the quirk..." the detective paused, "it's like a bodyguard, it senses my fear and tends to... 'protect me' from it..." the detective hesitantly looked up at the boy, who's gaze was glued to the table in thought, before slowly writing the information down.

"I think the best course of action would be to train him, don't you detective Tsukauchi?" A small rodent like creature came waltzing in through the reinforced door, closely followed by none other than All Might himself. Izuku felt himself scowl towards the man, such a sore excuse of a hero as great as him. Izuku wasn't sure what he was feeling, but he was very much aware how negative it was.

"Indeed, young Midoriya can learn to control his quirk while under UA's protection!" The man boomed with his usual smile. Izuku sighed, muttering furiously as his scowl deepened, he would only put people in danger. "I-I don't know Nezu, he's committed crimes and is classed as dangerous, would it really be smart to put him in a room filled with future hero's?" Tsukauchi stood up and bowed, internally pleading the small principle to rethink his choices.

"I'm certain detective, I think it'd be grand to train with such a formidable opponent, the students can get a grip of how dire life and death situations are, and for safety reasons, he can go in erasers class, just in case his quirk goes out of control," the rodent smirked as the detective let out a defeated sigh. "If you're sure, then I have nothing against it..." Tsukauchi turned to the greenette, taking off his handcuffs that were suppressing his quirk hesitantly.

Izuku immediately pushed his back against the wall, already feeling the black snake like ribbons emit form his skin, "PUT IT BACK ON!"  Izuku screamed, the adults catching sight of the rivers of black slipping towards them. The room went deathly silent as the vines immediately started retracting back into his body and without another word a homeless looking man stepped out of the shadows, his hair floating threateningly upwards as his eyes glowed a piercing red. "That's why you wanted me in here..." the man spoke, looking down at the rat man with a frown as the detective put the handcuffs back on.

"It is, now that you've seen his quirk, what do you think about him?" Nezu looked up at the erasure hero with a prideful grin. "I think he's gonna be another problem child," he retorted, looking at the slightly trembling kid, his back still up against the wall with horror filled eyes. "That he will, that he will."

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