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Fun Fact: the quirk suppressant bracelets are in testing stage, they may have small malfunctions or glitches.

Izuku had suffered through the pain as each student took a turn at getting through his quirk. Aizawa had stated that using his quirk would be proficient in training, due to Izuku's 'bodyguard' quirk, it would be good a experience. But right now, Izuku had blood dripping down his arms and legs, his quirk worked as if it were punishing itself. Each time it took a hit that would hurt Izuku, they'd tighten their grip on him, in terms of a punishment for failing. Izuku swore that the teacher had noticed his hectic breathing pattern and the dark red liquid pooling underneath him at an alarming rate, but obviously chose to ignore it.

"S-Sensei....it....hurts...." Izuku whispered out, he hated showing his weak emotions, but at this point, he just wanted it all to stop. Izuku was starting to see black dots dancing in his vision as his eyes begun to droop, that was the teachers first mistake. His quirk gets more desperate the weaker Izuku becomes, and at this rate, his quirk will definitely start killing everything that posed some sort of threat. It had cut a few students who weren't paying attention, it also ended up grabbing some yellow haired kid and throwing him across the field, but there hasn't been any life threatening injuries, yet.

"ACK, STOP IT, STOP IT STOP IT STop it...." Izuku's eyes closed for a minute, opening again for a few second before drooping closed again. Izuku's head was aching and his chest was pounding, he felt a sudden sense of control as he could close his eyes and imagine the way the black, oil like ribbons would swirl past attacks and stab an oncoming black haired girl, blood oozing out of the wound as the kid fell limp to the floor with a sickening crack.

"SHIT!" A scream brought Izuku out of his trance as his eyes shot open. His gaze immediately found the source of the blood curdling scream as a girl with a black spikey pony tail was on the floor clutching her arm, tears spilling down her cheeks as she stared at Izuku with terror.

"Yaoyarozu are you ok?!" Jirou ran up to the downed girl as the rest of the class started crowding around with worry. Izuku couldn't ignore the glares he got as the vines suddenly drifted by his side Idly, bobbing up and down like low tide waves on a not so windy day. "Why the hell did you stab her you prick!" Bakugo stomped up to the green haired boy, gripping his collar and lifting him off the ground, staring into his eyes threateningly. "No, that was my fault, I should have noticed his quirk was getting out of control," Izuku suddenly had full control as he used the vines to gently push the blond off him and stammer weakly up to the erasure hero, an unnoticeable glint of guilt in his eyes.

"Quirk...off the...quirk," Izuku mumbled, his eyes glazed over as he stared straight through the teacher in front of him. Izuku could feel the swirl of sudden emotion dissipate almost instantly as the over use of his quirk started to kick in. "Alright then, Jirou, stop the bleeding with this-" Aizawa threw a first aid kit using his capture weapon to get it far enough, "-I'll take Midoriya back to the dorms, make sure Yaoyarozu gets to recovery girl," the black haired teacher started leading Izuku back to the classroom to get his things.

"The others may not have much trust in you kid, that's something you have to earn, but when you go and pull a stunt like injuring a classmate, that has the opposite effect-" Izuku snapped, he was enraged at Aizawa for completely ignoring his pain, yet when someone else was hurt, he was right by their side. "Wasn't my fault, stop treating me as if I'm some monster that deserves pain, cause- cause I'm not!" Izuku's voice cracked as he felt tears burn the rims of his eyes. "I'm not saying that-" Izuku growled, "you're blaming me for something I barely had any control about, you're saying that the pain my quirk causes me is inferior to someone else's! I should've gone to jail, but no, I'm stuck here being A TRAINING DOLL FOR YOUR STUDENTS, LIKE IM SOME HEARTLESS MONSTER THATS OUT FOR BLOOD, LIKE I DOn't feels emotions, or the guilt of all the pain I cause people, you're just- you're so fucking disgusting!" Izuku had a few tears falling from his cheeks and dripping onto the floor, creating a small puddle underneath him.

Aizawa hesitated, he hadn't meant to hurt the boy, he couldn't refuse the fact that he had neglected to keep the boy unscathed, that he had ignored the boys cry for help as his quirk suffocated him. He was unintentionally biased against his students, and for that, he was ashamed.

Before the teacher had noticed, they were standing in front of the 1A alliance, Izuku shuffled on the balls of his feet awkwardly, grabbing the key to his dorm room as Aizawa offered it to him. "So-" before Aizawa could mutter out another word, Izuku had already entered the building. Aizawa felt that the next few encounters would be extremely awkward, and not just for him, but for the whole class.

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