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Fun Fact: Shinso is in 1A, but so is Min*ta.

Izuku glided down the hall with obvious purpose, he strode with long steps until he reached the large doors to UA's class 1A. He got strange looks as he waited by the two classroom doors, staring ahead with glossed over eyes. His thoughts were silent as he simply stared forward at anyone and anything that happened to pass by.

"Kid, you can come in now," Izuku slowly looked up at the black haired male, a frown painted across his features as the cold quirk suppressant bracelets scratched against his wrists, he slowly followed behind his new teacher.

He stood up in front of around twenty students, they all seemed strangely calm under the gaze of a criminal, but Izuku wasn't one to judge. "They don't know you killed people yet, I was hoping you'd explain that part," Aizawa whispered to him, Izuku simply shrugged, his scowl growing as he looked out at the sea of students.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya...I am 16 and will be attending your class against my will-" he was not so subtlety elbowed by the sleep deprived teacher, being sent an obvious half hearted glare. Izuku rolled his eyes, "ehem, I'm attending as part of some.... rehabilitation program or something, I wasn't really listening when they explained it..." he was sent another glare by Aizawa. "Ugh, I killed a bunch of people, is that what you wanted me to say?" Izuku turned to the teacher with an annoyed expression as Aizawa face palmed.

He turned back to the shocked class, "the- ehem, my quirk takes control of me, now that I'm saying it aloud it sounds like a excuse, but the- my quirk is manipulative and dangerous, makes me do rash things in the name of safety or whatever." Aizawa sighed tiredly, pointing to a seat in the far back next to a tall purple haired boy, "you can sit next to Shinso," Izuku nodded, slowly walking towards his seat with a monotone expression.

"Sir, if you'd please lend me the time to speak my thoughts, I'd like to say how dangerous it is for not only this class, but for every student in UA, to have a villain in on campus!" A tall blue haired robot like teen stood up, waving his arms around stiffly. "Nezu said he's joining, I don't have a say and it's already been decided, there's nothing we can do now," Aizawa half glared towards Iida before looking back at the green haired boy who was currently looking out of the window plainly. "We're going out to the field to train, I want you all to see what his quirk is and what it does," Aizawa concluded. Izuku's head immediately snapped forward with a cold blooded glare. "No!" He shouted angrily, he didn't want to be controlled again, he had a choice in where he went and what he does, he didn't want that to end. "Shut up and put this on, damn problem child," the teacher handed Izuku a gym uniform, the two exchanged glares as the class followed their teacher out to their allocated field.

Aizawa directed Izuku to the changing room, allocating Shinso to go with him. Shinso protested at first, but gave in after his teacher explained how he could take control of the boy if anything got out of hand.

"So... Midoriya, what's the name of your quirk?" Shinso tried to start a conversation with the smaller boy, seeing how the awkward silence had continued on for majority of the time since they left the class. "Black whip," Izuku started blandly, slipping on the gym uniform hastily to escape any more questioning. "What does it do-" Shinso was cut off as the green haired boy rushed straight past him and back out towards the field silently. "Ok then," Shinso muttered, following closely behind as their class came into view.

"Alright, Midoriya, if you will," Aizawa gestured to the dust covered ground in front of the class with a bored expression. Izuku hesitantly stood in the middle of the dirt rectangle, an unsure look on his face as he gazed down at his quirk suppressant bracket. They were small metal bands that clamped around his wrist uncomfortably, code activated in case Izuku were to accidentally unlock them. "So I just.." Izuku pointed to the bands with a sigh, "yup."

Izuku slowly typed the code in, wincing as the bracelets fell to the ground with a clink. He flinched harshly at the familiar feeling of the black leech like vines slithering out of his back. He winced backwards as the vines begun wrapping him up tightly, rendering him useless as they moved his body against his will. "Holy crap!" A voice shouted from the crow as three vines wrapped around his neck harshly, turning his head slowly. With a pained yelp, the vines lashed out towards the class at record speed, before they could harm anyone, Aizawa erased Izuku's quirk. The class watched with pale faces as the vines fell limply to the floor, getting sucked back into Izuku's body.

The greenette sat on the floor, rubbing his neck with a glare. "Fucking hell..." he muttered under his breath as he felt the bruise start to form. His wrists, stomach, legs and feet ached at the quirks tight grip. "Yeah, that was my bad, I wanted to give the students a proper look," Aizawa got a weak glare from the boy. He slowly struggled his way to his feet, stumbling back towards the class with deep, very much prominent eye bags, putting his bracelets back on in the process. "Are we done?" He snapped, looking directly at Aizawa, who shook his head. "Far from it," Izuku growled, a shadow cast by his hair that covered his eyes as he made his way to the back of the huddled class. If Izuku were to take his bracelets off right then and there, everyone would die in an instant, it would probably remind him of his parents death. That was, and still is, the worst death he'd ever seen.

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