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Fun Fact: I randomly came up with the name Sirus, it's pronounced like saying Virus, but with 'S'.

Sirus and Kai led Izuku down the halls of the strangely big building. Izuku had no idea what was going on, but he knew that they somewhat trusted him, he didn't think they'd just outright let him look around their base. "And this, is where everyone's waiting to meet you!" Kai exclaimed with a smile, skipping to open the door. Izuku held his breath as the door creaked open, as soon as he was in eyeshot, everyone in the room had their gazes on him. "Uh, hi..." Izuku mumbled, anxiously ringing his hands as he followed Kai and Sirus into the room.

"Everyone, listen up!" Kai waited for the small whispers to die down before continuing, "this is Izuku Midoriya, he's our newest recruit, try to teach him how we do things down here!" The man hopped on the balls of his feet, smile widening as the group of three in front of him relaxed themselves, softening their eyes to a simple gaze.

"Sweet! Can I show him around?!" A girl with dark blue hair that kept changing from solid, to liquid, to gas, then back to solid, in a constant cycle asked. "My name is Herbai, I don't bother with formalities, though I respect whatever you want to be called!" The girl practically shifted towards Kai, "he's cute, can I show him his room?" The girl kept her gaze locked on the shorter boy in front of her. The man was reluctant, but ended up saying yes, "just don't do anything that would scare him away, you psychopath," he whispered the last part, but waved the two off nonchalantly.

Izuku awkwardly waddled beside the slightly taller female. Her hair drifted behind her as she skipped down the thin hall. Herbai continued to lead Izuku down towards a plain oak wood door. It looked slightly decayed and rickety, but at the same time giving off a comforting homely aura.

Herbai opened the door with a small smirk, dramatically throwing the door fully open and gesturing with wide arms to a surprisingly large room. "this will be your room, it's one of the only rooms left in the buding, it's a little on the big side, but we assumed you wouldn't mind," Herbai's smirk widened at Izuku's bright smile, he hadn't smiled so wide in forever.

"it looks incredible, so homey," Izuku quickly straightened himself up, his face falling slightly as he rebuilt his facade. He glanced at the small fireplace in front of a single couch. The couch was a soft peach colour and the striped black and white pillows were tucked in the corners neatly.

Izuku turned his head towards the bed. Slightly larger than a kings double, fitted with grey sheets and a mossy green fluffy blanket. The walls were a simple light brown, pretty plain, but he assumed he could change that if he asked them. There were two sets of drawers lining the far wall and a well sized clothes dresser was pushed against the wall next to them.

"you are allowed to spruce the room up a bit to your liking, we aren't really judgmental, we might tease you a bit, but we won't actually mean anything by it, go ham," Herbai explained with a shrug. Turning on her heels, "we'll let you get settled, if we need you we'll come get you, if you need us, press the black button beside the door," she quickly made her way down the hall, throwing Izuku one last grin before turning the corner.

Izuku sighed, looking around at the decent sized room. He had already begun planning where he was going to put some random things when a knock sounded on his door.

Izuku opened the door to see someone he wasn't exactly expecting. They locked eyes for a few seconds, awkward silence filling the air for a few minutes before the other decided to break it.

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