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Fun Fact: In relation to last chapter, Izuku actually does have an extremely weak stomach, he throws up if he eats too much. Sometimes it gets so bad that he coughs up blood. Also, above is Izuku's hero suit.

Izuku was wobbling on his feet like one of those car dealer balloon people, the ones that have a seizure if the wind blows too hard. Yeah, those. He was swaying on his feat as he finally reached classroom 1A. He could already picture the glares and fearing faces of his peers, he'd received them earlier that day nothing would have changed.

As soon as he turned the metal handle and slid the door open, all eyes were on him. Granted, it wasn't many, since it was still fifteen minutes until class, but there was still more than Izuku had expected. "MIDORIYA, it is great to see you being on time for class! I hope to see this behaviour continue for the time you're with us-" Izuku rolled his eyes, the bags under them could rival Dabi's burn eye bags at this point, but we don't mention them. He didn't get much sleep that night, though it wasn't anything new for the small boy.

"That's great -forgot what your name was- I'm gonna sit down now..." Izuku slouched over, making his way to his seat at the back with a grim expression. The robotic mannered boy he left in the dust looked taken aback before going back to his own seat quietly. Izuku had to thank whatever god that gave that boy the right to shut the fuck up for once, though he didn't seem as bad as some of the others. He'd noticed in particular that the pink skinned girl and the yellow haired boy, yes, the one that was watching him and Shinso that morning, were extremely dramatic and don't really understand the meaning of personal space, he'd have to watch out for them.

As soon as Izuku shook himself out of his thoughts, quite a large group of students came through the door, each one trying to talk over the other, causing the once peacefully quiet classroom to fill with incoherent speech. "Just great..." Izuku grumbled, leaning his head on his palm while looking out of the window tiredly, already tempted to just skip the class. In complete truth, he didn't need school, he was somehow gifted with the talent to be above average in both intelligence and analysis. You could say it was a natural talent. Though he wouldn't just outright admit it to everyone's faces, that'd make him look like a dick. And since his quirk had taken control of him, he had quite a lot of physical strength and skill.

The door slammed open with a loud crack causing majority of the class to jump in their seats, Izuku managed to jump into a fighting stance, getting ready to throw someone out a window. A yellow caterpillar snaked it's way up towards the front of the class, the zipper in the middle unzipping to show a sleep deprived Aizawa, who immediately gave the greenette a strange look. Izuku sat down, his nerves still high as his teacher started class. "Ok, listen up, today we'll be doing training at a specially made facility, and before you ask, no it's not off campus," Aizawa immediately glared at the yellow haired boy at the back, who slowly lowered his hand with a sheepish grin. "Though we have to take a bus to get there, hurry up and get into your hero suits, we have to leave in ten," the teacher than picked up the sleeping bag and walked out of the classroom while everyone started rushing around to grab their costumes.

Izuku waited around the back of the group with a few others as the more energetic students got their suits first, his was quite simple compared to his peers, but he didn't choose to become a hero and had no ideas on what he wanted. Everyone else had at least a slight idea of what they wanted, Izuku hadn't thought an inch about a hero suit as soon as he lost hope in hero's, which was about a month after the quirk consumed him. "Midobro, you look great dude!" Kirishima slung an arm around the shorter boys shoulder, a bright grin painted on his face complementing the sparkle in his eyes. "Thanks I guess, you look pretty- Uh, what is it you always say...- manly," Izuku whispered the side comment to himself, in hopes it would help him remember. "Awe, thanks dude, you really aren't that bad, you seem like a chill guy Mido!" Kirishima shook him slightly, his grin never fading, "Ah, thank you Kirishima," Izuku smiled back at the taller boy. Kirishima nodded, turning to a black haired boy with a smile, "see? He's nice!" The red head shouted, waving his arms around frantically to get the boys attention. Sero turned to look at the pair with a grimace, he didn't like the greenette at all, he seemed too unpredictable at times, "he'll have to earn our trust, so far he hasn't done a very good job," a purple haired girl glared at Izuku, probably a close friend of the black haired girl he'd unintentionally stabbed the other day.

Izuku turned his head to face her, making eye contact with a plain expression. He heard the screech of tires on the tar road causing Izuku to turn his head away from the hostile girl and towards the now parked bus. The resident class president started waving his arms around in a chopping formation while shouting for everyone to get into partners of two to board the bus quickly, but the idea was immediately shut down as the bus was proven to be set out differently.

"It's ok Iida, you did your best and that's what counts!" Uraraka placed a hand against the taller boys back, making sure that not all five fingers touched him. "I appreciate it Uraraka, thank you for your praise!" Iida then sat down on a free seat next to Uraraka and Tsuyu, the two chatting away happily as the bus started its trek to their training facility for the day. Izuku had a twisting feeling in his stomach, though he didn't know what to make of it, so he simply ignored it, for now that is.

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