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Fun Fact: The day Izuku's quirk manifested, he'd stabbed himself in the eye, he's now half blind. Though he has worked around it using his other senses.


Izuku awoke the next day to sporadic banging, as if someone where sticking fireworks next to his ears and letting them blow. "GIVE THAT BACK YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" Izuku shot out of his bed, staring at the door in utter shock. "Jesus Christ..." Izuku mumbled, rubbing his head and peaking his head out of his door, what he stumbled into, even he wasn't quite sure.

Kaminari had somehow gotten stuck in a window while sero was standing in a certain angry blondes way. Sero has his arms outstretched, holding Bakugo back as he lit off explosions. "SOMEONE SAVE ME!" Kaminari screeched as Sero got blown off to the side, hitting the wall with a loud thud. "Can you shut up, it's six o'clock and I'm not about to deal with this shit," the three teens froze, turning to face Izuku with half scared half angry faces.

"RUN WHILE YOU STILL CAN MIDORIYA, BAKUGO WILL BLOWN YOU UP!" Kaminari and sero shouted in unison as the blonde started to charge at the greenette. "Yeah. No," Izuku stepped out of his dorm, using his forearms to throw Bakugo back a few meters, he had failed to notice how he only wore a tank top and shorts, still being in his sleep wear. He was oblivious to the deep blushes on all three boys as Bakugo continued his assault. "You think you can just storm in here and boss me around, THINK AGAIN YOU DAMN NERD!" Izuku jumped back, avoiding a right hook from the blonde by a mere hair.

"Calm down, Jesus, is he always like this in the morning?" Izuku continued to jump around, using Bakugo's head as a leap pad as he pounced off of a wall and landed on the boy, squishing him against the floor. "Ugh-" the blonde struggled under Izuku's grip as the greenette finally looked up at the other two. "Sadly, yes, he's always this explosive..." Izuku shook his head sadly, "sucks to be you guys I guess," Izuku hooked his hands around the blondes ankles, jumping into the air and throwing him down the hall. He landed wobbling on his feet slightly, he hadn't fought without his quirk in forever, he was a little rusty.

Izuku could barely react as the blonde threw himself through the air, propelled by his explosions, rocketing directly at the greenette with pinpoint accuracy, effectively pinning him to the wall, the two boys faces mere inches apart. "What the hell's all this ruckus about?" A certain purple haired insomniac opened his dorm room door, being next to Izukus. He looked at Sero and Kaminari's shocked faces before turning to the blonde and green haired boys. "Well then, looks like Bakugo has a thing for Midoriya," Kaminari commented as the blonde grunted, turning to the yellow haired boy and using the same technique to launch himself at Kaminari and Sero. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SHITTY EXTRA'S!" Bakugo screeched, blowing the two up as Shinso slipped passed towards Izuku.

"Hey, you alright?" Shinso reached a hand out to the green haired boy, who hesitantly took it, pulling himself up off of the floor. "Yeah, I'm fine," Izuku muttered, looking up at the taller boy strangely, "why're you talking to me?" Izuku questioned accusingly. "What do you mean? You're my classmate," Izuku shook his head dismissively. "I hurt your classmate, you shouldn't want to be anywhere near me..." Shinso couldn't help but chuckle, quickly covering his mouth, blushing in embarrassment and because he noticed the tank top Izuku was wearing. "Don't think too much into this, but I find you intriguing," Shinso took the boys hand, leading him down the stairs and towards the common room. Izuku couldn't miss the glares and hostile looks he received as the insomniac sat him down at the kitchen counter.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asked in his usual tired tone, "Ah! No, I'm not hungry," Izuku went to stand up, only being forced back down again. "Don't give me that crap, I'm not going to poison your food, what do you want?" He asked once again, turning to the fridge. "Seriously, if I was hungry, I'd make myself something, but I'm not hungry, can I leave now," Izuku asked, his eyes darting to the group of students who had walked through the kitchen door and started glaring at him. "You have to eat, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" Iida ran up to the green haired boy, waving his hands around strangely.

Izuku huffed, he never really had an appetite, nothing about that has changed. "I don't care, I don't want to eat!" Izuku growled, glaring up at both of the taller males threateningly. "It's in human nature to eat, you can't not eat-" Shinso was cut off by the greenette, "well then I guess I'm an unnatural human," Izuku stood up, glancing back one last time before rushing out of the kitchen and up to his dorm. It was Saturday, and all he wanted to do was avoid anyone and everyone. Especially that black haired girl and his teacher, he did not feel like feeling guilty today. He's already lost his temper with this class too many times, he absolutely despised himself because of it.

Izuku could already tell where this was going, how his thoughts wouldn't stop spiralling until he actually did something to distract himself. He wasn't allowed much in his room, anything that could be used as a lethal weapon was a definite no no. Izuku shrugged to himself, there's no way he was leaving his room anytime soon, he could somewhat afford to make a small mess.

The green haired boy stood up from his bed, grabbing his school supplied pencil case and shifting through it. He wasn't aloud a sharpener, so the teachers gave him a mechanical pencils. Izuku was starting to loose hope as his thoughts continued to scream at him. Though he suddenly froze up at the black pen they'd given him, it would hurt a lot more and wouldn't be easy, but it was manageable.

Izuku grabbed the pen, locked his dorm room door and sat down in the corner of his room, pen in hand. He clicked the button at the end, causing the point to pop up, he took a deep breath before plunging the pen into his wrist and twisting harshly. Blood seeped out of the hole he'd created and pooled onto his lap, he made sure not to spill a drop as he made another stab mark next to it. He clenched his teeth, wriggling it around  for good measure before letting out a harsh breath he didn't know he was holding. He felt somewhat relieved as finally, the pain was in his control, he could choose pain rather than someone else. He could finally make a decision without someone else making it for him. In some disgustingly twisted way, Izuku enjoyed being in control of something for once, he enjoyed watching the waterfall of blood run down his arm and all over his clothes. He liked to watch the red paint his light grey shirt, it was like watching food colouring spread through water. At least it was until there was a knock on his door, immediately snapping him out of his daze.

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