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2Skip plane ride bec I'm lazy 

I got into shannon airport  and got off the plane grabbing my bags from the over head lockers.

I got into the one of the long corridors that lead into the arrivals. I was walking I saw the walcalators and ran to get on them. I have no clue what they do but I love them sm. I texted nessa and sorca that I landed.

As I was walking I could feel myself getting more tired as the minute goes by.

I finally got to where they check your passport and walked towards the man in the booth, "howya" he said cheerfully "how can you be this energetic this early" I groaned "I don't know miss but I hope you enjoy your time home" he beamed at me and I have a weak smile back. 

He gave me my passport I put it in my hand bag, and texted sorca to see where she was 


 Cád:Hey bitch where to r u 

me: I'm waiting at arrivals!

Cád:k be there in a sec xx 

me: xx 

End of conversation 

I walked out of the tunnel to see a crowed of very tired looking Irish mammys. I giggled to myself as I looked around for a probably high sorca 

I eventually see her tall ass self. "Hey bitch" I say a little too loud for young ears oops "speak for yourself" she said shifting her weight to her right leg. God I missed her so fucking much she is actually my friend solemate. 

I sprinted into her arms pushing her too the ground. Laughing so hard I pissed myself, we got up off the ground and looked right at her "wow I'm surprised ur not high" 

"I had to drive like 2  hours to get here for your ass I was at the start" we both laughed and started to walk to the car. 

I got in the right and sat down looking forward to sleeping for the next 7 hours but nope.

I got in the wrong fucking side ugh "what has la done to me god" I said my face in my hands dragging out my words my hands pulling down my face sorca was just pissing herself laughing getting in the passenger side.



I do half you do half 


We just sat there in scalene for a few minutes me getting more nervous by the second 

Can I tell you something

Depends am I gonna get arrested 


Okay gimme 

I'm pregnant

I said this all too calmly for comfort 

Who's is it??

Bryce halls 

I whispered this part 

Are you and him a thing if so why to didn't you tell me

No we aren't 

Was it just a shift gone wrong 

She said it with a smirk 😏 

No, he raped me 

I said letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in 

I looked over my shoulder to see her eyes wide fire burning in them ready to cut the bitch 

I'm flying back with you and your finding a new house. 

There's already gonna be a sway girls house so I won't be living with him for much longer anyways, how've you been?

Don't you fecking change the subject Caoimhe hope Garcia 

Okay then.

Have you told him??


Did u beat his arse 

No, bu-

So then it's solved I'm coming to la with you. 

Did I say no?

No bu- 

I just want to say that he's a nice guy he was just drunk.

I don fucking care but wheel deal with that when you go back, when are you going back?

Already want to get rid of me huh, idk yet I'm just taking some time off

fine..... imma sleep night mwah 

I blew her a kiss 

I turned on Audrey Mika and continued to drive 

It had been 1 and a half hours when sorca woke up 

Rise and shine fuck head 

Shut up how long have you been driving?

Like an hour and a half

Jeesus Mary and Joseph pull over and let me drive 

I did what she said and pulled over and we swapped sides and I almost immediately fell asleep 

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