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we got the food and drove home listening to the radio.

an unknown disease has been posted in China and as of today, they are calling it the coronavirus.

huh that's weird I thought to myself but I didn't pay much attention to it.

we pulled into the driveway grabbed the food and walked inside and up to the kitchen. I went halfway down the stairs 'DINNER' i shouted 

eventually  they came upstairs 

time skip till after dinner she told them and they're fully supportive

after dinner, I tidied up my plate and walked downstairs into my bedroom

I decided to text Bryce he should be up by now anyway.


caoimhe: I just told them you can post about it now wherever you want AFTER I post mine be otherwise it will look weird that the dad is saying something first. oh and don't text back ill just text you when I'm done recording


end of messages

after I texted him I set up my camera at the end of my bed not bothering to clean up my room before filming. 

I was about to press the record button when sorca walked in.

heyy am i interrupting she said apologetically pointing at the camera no no, can you sit behind it for emotional support please i said making a pouty face. she just nodded and sat on my bean bag behind the camera.

i turned the camera on, sat back down and sighed.

am i really about to do this. 

caoimhe, sorca 

hey cutie its me once again well if it was someone else and they said it was me again they wou-

shh calm down 

ok, so today I'm going to be telling you why I'm back home and not still in la. well it all started on the first of January 2020. *deep breah* i took a p. a pregnancy test, and well I'm sure you know what the outcome was but incase your stupid or just really young, it said that i was pregnant.

sorca did a silent finger clap behind the camera hat made me giggle.

well next thing you probably want to know is whos the dad huh

sorca gave me an encouraging smile

its Bryce halls. 

omg tiktok room is quaking right now

i hope you guys heard that. well me and sorca are going to be going back to la together because shes an over protective little biatch 

*ghasp* no i am not its because he raped you 

well that was bleeped out because of reasons lol. ANYWAYS. that's it for this video hope i made your day a little brighter love you loads, hugs and kisses xx

i got up and turned off the camera 

god i can finally breathe.

at least you did it and there's not gonna be much editing to do soo

except for your little stunt there huh

you can beep it out youll be fine Hunny 

okay im gonna go edit this. 

and that's what I did I edited it I put in subtitles for when sorca said shit except for when she outed Bryce hall.

after I was done I went to twitter on my phone and wrote "surprise im ________ check out my new video to see what that word is"

I pressed post on my yt first then twitter. then i posted on my insta story "swipe up to know that im ________"  

i got into bed sand went to sleep 

a/n not a good end but anyway ly sm xxx

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