Venti cuatro

11 1 1

Flash back "who's dead Sam"


I froze not knowing what to do

I hung up on him

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,

I ran out of my room grabbed my keys and left the house still in my pyjamas

I ran and ran and ran I didn't know where I was going or what I was going to do when I got there but I must've blacked out because I ended up at a forest Aaron loved forests

I wasn't sure if there were houses but at the top of my lungs I screamed as loud as I possibly could.

I broke down crying and slumped against a tree. He died and the last thing I said to him was I hate him. How am I going to cope does sorca know, of shit I cried even more then got up from the ground and started walking back to the house I saw somebody walking towards me, I recognised them

I started running towards them "Aaron" the person turned around but it wasn't him I just sat down on the edge of the path (sidewalk) and cried.

After a few minutes I felt someone sit down beside me. I looked up too see who it was, I didn't know them but they gave me a sweet smile and rubbed my back in circles.

???: what's got you down hun. 

Caoimhe: my brother. Um- my brother just died. And um the last thing I texted him was um that I hated him 

I burst out crying once again but this time the woman pulled me into a side hug 

A/n not meant to ruin the mood but yk this emoji 🤗 Well I thought that meant like happy jazz hands but it means HUG like wtf 

She didn't speak but I knew she knew how I felt 

Caoimhe: he lived back home in Ireland but because of you know the flight restrictions I won't be able to go back for the funeral. 

???: oh sweetie I hope that everything works out. I have to go to work so hears my number just call it if you ever need help  

Caoimhe: thank you my names Caoimhe by the way, heats yours 

???: my names Susan Nando's my number is 123-4567-890 

Caoimhe: thank you Susan 

Susan: now get home and call your parents make sure their okay. 

Caoimhe: I will thank you 

I waved goodbye and walked away wiping my tears from my face knowing what I would have to face when I got back home.

Time skip to a few meters away from the house 

I was walking towards the house 10 feet

9 feet  what if I just turned around now

8 feet  i bet they weren't worried 

7 feet  does sorca know 

5 feet what happened to him

4 feet was it his boyfriend

3 feet did he kill himself 

2 feet did he do it because I said I hated him 

1 foot I could turn around now and never face this again 

My keys in the door, it was me 

I opend the door this is a mistake 

But before I could turn around someone jumped into my arms unexpectedly I inhaled it was Sally Ann

Sallyann: I was so worried 

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