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Caoimhes pov

It's been a week since I came home. I really haven't done any thing I've just stayed at sorcas -well its my only "family" i have over here and i consider them my family and they consider me theirs- amazing house. 

Her family built a new one, this one was a lot more modern it had a beach out the front with a road separating them and out the back they had a small garden with a gate that lead onto a massive golf course. 

Obviously it wasn't theirs but it was still pretty cool.

As you walked in there was a floating staircase with a glass railing and the wally were corrugated wood that had doors builT in the same material making them hidden there was a guest bedroom on the left with a bathroom on its own 

But at the other side of the hall way it was the wooden wall door situation with a smaller corridor with the family bedrooms and mine. 

I was just laying down in my bed when I heard the door open it was sorcas brother "dinners ready" he said 

Thank god I mumbled walking up the staircase to the landing it had a big glass door right in the middle. But off to the right there was a small oak door into a gaming room. 

I walked through the glass doors there was a long rustic table horizontally to where the door was and an emetic fireplace that's double sided to the living room through an opening in the wall

At the top of the table there is a kitchen island with counters surrounding it with a big window looking out onto the golf course. The ground up here is made of concrete because it's sound proof so when there's someone walking around upstairs you can't here them downstairs.

To the left of the kitchen there's a small office bathroom pantry and utility room. And finally to the right of the kitchen there a patio over the bedrooms and a small house with a massive glass window and a canopy that you can push a button and it moves by its self. 

A/n; god  that took ages (btw this is a real house my dads friend owns it and they built it them self's it's amazing.)

I sat down at the counter and looked out onto the golf course, there wasn't many people playing mainly because it's around the time that everyone would be having dinner 

"What's for dinner?" I asked Lucy sorcas mum "Roast"she said taking the potatoes out of the oven.

I got up out of my seat and grabbed cutlery and glasses and set them on the table. 

Sorca walked in and slapped me over the back out my head, "you wanna go down to the beach after dinner." She asked "to swim?" I said hopefully, as weird as it sounds I love the sea in Clare it's absolutely amazing so refreshing and could probably cure any sniffle ache or sickness, has somthing to do with the salt and what your body does when it gets so cold it has to shut doe  unnecessary parts of your body to conserve heat

"Obviously" she said mockingly.

We all sat down to have dinner. 

I picked up my fork and began trying to choose what I wanted to eat first. The mash, the roasters, the carrots, the beef, the Yorkshire puddings I decided against having them plain and poured gravy all over everything.

When I was fished wolfing it down like a mad woman I was done. I was finished first like always 

All of sorcas family were here.

She had two brothers, Sam and Aaron 

Sam is 25 he has brown curly hair short back and sides and lanky but muscular. Aaron Is 20, tall he had broad shoulders a deep voice and had all the girls drooling over him but to bad for them he is gay. 

I would say him and sorca are my only true friends that aren't using me for clout and that's all I want from someone really. "Thanks for dinner mom imma go get ready for the beach" yes yes I do call the mom and dad get over it. I tidied up my plate and glass And headed downstairs to get ready 

I put this bikini on with a pair of gaa shorts and a Dublin flease 

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I put this bikini on with a pair of gaa shorts and a Dublin flease 

A/n; It won't let me put any more photos so just look em up 

I love wearing this sorta stuff, I couldn't do it in la because if I did I would be noticed by "irish" Americans and also if my fans wanted to know where I got it I wouldn't really be able to tell them.

But it also just felt wrong like I'm not doing Ireland justice when I ware it somewhere other than here 

I heard a knock at the door "come in" I said "come on bi-," she started saying before stoped and looked at me questioning my actions "why are you crying" oh shit I was I didn't even notice "oh I was just thinking about how much I love it in Ireland and going to the beach with you and wearing this ugly shit" I said quickly "do you still wanna go?" Sorca asked "what sort of fucking question is that" 

We laughed then I grabbed my speaker and my towel and we ran outside hopped the wall through the road and over the second wall over the sand dunes. 

I stoped and looked out at the sea. I took a deep breath in smelling the salty air but with a salty hint of Guinness and salt and vinegar chipper chips. 

I must've started crying again because sorca was looking at me with the same expression on her face as in my bed room.

"I'm just so happy to be back" I said dropping my towel phone and speaker and starting to get undressed. Sorca did the same but I was done first so I turned on the music. "Race ya there"I screamed Sprinting towards the sea I was knee deep when I heard sorta getting nearer so I dived in.

She did the same because when I got up she wasn't there but she wasn't coming up.

I panicked. 

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