Venti y uno

9 1 0

Sorca and the boys came down, I ran to her and gave her the biggest hug.

Me: I love you

S: more

I pulled out of the hug and looked to sally-Ann to see if she's mad but she just seems her usual happy self

Sally: you guys did great in that fight

Anth: thank-

He got punched in the stomach by Taylor because Anthony was terrible at judging if people were being sarcastic or not

Sally: your the guys that 'protect her' huh

Taylor: yes ma'am

Sally: would you calm down I'm not gonna beat the shite out of ye yet

Me and sorca burst out laughing about her saying yet

Me: oh my god 'yet', that's the funniest thing ever

Taylor: with all do respect ma'am what's a dyke

Sallyann clenched her fist then let it go and took a deep breath

Sally: it's a slur used for lesbians more comenly used for someone masc

She pointed to her out fit it was a pair of black skinny jeans with rips and a colourful shirt that was un buttoned down three and only half tucked with a chain around her neck and an army tag necklace. Her hair was down it was down to the end of her ribs and she had a black beanie on

Bryce: what's masc

Me: it's like where your more masculine presenting *pointed at sallyann* but their are other words such as butch and stud. Butch is a white masc presenting lesbian and stud is a black masc presenting lesbian

Josh: okay then what are you

Sally: okay rude

Josh took a step back sacred

Sally: I'm not angry you'll know when that happens

Me: it's called fem aka feminine presenting lesbian and a stem is a stud and fem And stud mix or switch and a futch Is a mix or switch of butch and fem

Sally: clear

Anth: this may be weird but what's a pillow princess

Me and sallyann look at each other and laugh a little

Me: should I tell him?

Sally: I mean for the sake of education

Me: okay anth a pillow princess is a turm for someone in sex and they refuse to give you any realese and just lays there hogging all the pleasure (that was so weird to wright)

All the boys started laughing except for a anth who was gone red and looking down at his feet

Me: you didn't know you just were curious

Bryce: what's a top and a bottom

Sally: oh jeez, a top is the dominant during sex more likely the masc one but sometimes not it takes a real gaydar to know and a bottom is a pillow princess but will like idk how to say it ig it's like a normal straight girl in bed.

She pondered a second almost as if weighing up sleeping with a straight girl and a gay one

Sally: yeah pretty much the same

Josh: idk about yall but I'm uncomfortable

Everyone(except sallyann): yep

They all left the room in single file 

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