Welcome gifts

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The next morning Kylo woke you up early. Apparently he had been awake for a while because he had already made you breakfast and had time to work out and shower. Was there anything this man could not do?

You two ate breakfast and drank coffee together before he brought you home so you could change and get ready to go to work. You assumed he went to school early, because it was only 6:30 when you were ready to leave. Did he go to the school a whole hour early?

When you arrived at school you were so shocked when students from your class were saying good morning to you. It made you feel so warm and bubbly inside and you ate up every moment of it.

When you got to the classroom you entered and was shocked. Kylo had completely decorated your desk with little trinkets, weird little art pieces, and desk plants. He looked up from whatever he was working on and met your eyes.

"Kylo! What the heck did you do man!" you asked him, there was so much surprise and joy in your voice someone could have thought that he had just proposed to you. You walked toward your desk to inspect all of the little toys he used to decorate your desk. Your inner child was having the best day of its life.

"It is a welcome gift. I can tell that you're going to be a big help to me in the coming year, maybe even after that if the cards fall into place" he said gesturing to the school. "I just want you to feel welcome in our classroom" He said smiling.

Our classroom

"How did you nail my personality so well! Are these McDonald's toys from the 90's?!" you asked with surprise

"They are" he said with a smirk. You could tell he was trying not to be too loud. Didn't want to give off the idea he wasn't actually a stone hard bitch.

"How did you nail my taste in decor?" you asked questioningly

"The time I went to your house I paid attention. I noticed the amount of toys you had sitting in your room. You had a lot of little plastic animals" He started walking toward the front of the room. The bell was going to ring any second. And you were ready


The day went smoothly. Many of your students complimented the desk and it took every bit of might that you held in your body to not tell them that their cold, stern, serious english teacher was a big simp for you and bought you a whole bunch of plastic toys and house plants for no reason. You adored this man, and it is not like you to adore any man.

When class was over you decided to stay for a while and look through the surveys the students took on act I, scene I which you read and explained to them in class. You just wanted to know who they were feeling about the play so far.

Kylo had told you on the first day that he did not have the students read at home. Because all of his students are seniors he doesn't expect them to read at home. You admired that he understood his students so well and had realistic expectations for his class.

He is the kind of teacher that made students come to class. He had a very dry humor that students appreciated. He is the kind of teacher that made his students want to keep reading the story or play. He is the kind of teacher that kids are upset when they find out that he isn't their teacher. He is the teacher you want to be.

The way he taught Shakespeare was fantastic. Until you have seen a giant man in a sweater vest recite Shakespeare off the top of his head with such passion it melts your heart, you have never felt true wonder and excitement.

He understood the text so well that without even looking at his book he could cite full passages and explain every detail. He encouraged his students to elaborate on what he was saying. He wanted open conversation. And he also always made sure to ask you your opinion or if you had anything to add...

And you always did.

You have a very analytical brain. Every minor detail was a symbol and you always made notes of it in your book. You feel like you have so many ideas in your head that these seniors can take out into the world with them after they leave his class.

The fact that he is an amazing teacher made him even more attractive to you.

Once you were done reading through all of the surveys you decided to head home. Kylo left about thirty minutes before you left. So you figured that you would grab some food before you went home.

When you did arrive home you noticed that there was something on your doorstep. You haven't ordered anything on amazon recently, so you were confused.

When you walked up and picked it up your hand automatically went to the card"

"To my darling" it read in sloppy, loopy handwriting.

You flipped the card over to read the rest:

"Kindly request that you wear this under what you're going to wear to my party Friday night. I am expecting you to spend the night again." -KR

Your heart was beating so fast when you opened up the box. You have no idea how he knows your style so well. It was a red sixties style garter belt, with black stockings, and a red bullet bra. This man is too perfect.

You were very much looking forward to Friday night. 

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