An unfortunate occurance

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Again i only have use of one hand. So if the capitalization is not at peak, I'm sorry. Even though I'm six feet tall, my hands are tiny lol. Anyways enjoy

Also this chapter is based on personal experience lol

Be ready? For what? And grade ALL of these papers? Or what? He'll go home? Tragic

But really you did miss him. Teaching with him was amazing. But sleeping with him was even better.

When you arrived home you immediately sat the papers down and started grading. It was 1 pm.

As you read through the first paper their thesis grabbed your attention;

"Shakespeare uses the theme of appearance versus reality in his play to inform the audience that questioning what is presented to them is important, and will not agitate authority figures."

That was pretty strong, you hope that the student has good support for their thesis.

You continued on grading the students papers. Some stood out more than others. You were tired of seeing the same thesis: "Shakespeare flips gender roles to show that reality isn't what it seems". It's an okay thesis, and is relevant to the text, but it is nonspecific. The students who used this thesis used the same bits of evidence from the text and made the argument that lady MacBeth is more dominant which was unusual for females and MacBeth was submissive, things are not always what they seem. They also don't mention that the reason that Lady Macbeth isn't given a name is because she is the polar opposite of Macbeth. Tragic

Around 6pm you decided to take a break. You got in the shower and let the hot water run over you. What was Kylo planning for you tonight? The overthinking made you sick to your stomach.

You got out of the shower at 6:30, stood in the mirror and finished getting ready. There was no way that you were dressing up for him so you put on pajamas. You didn't even bother putting lingerie on, you opted instead for boxers, grey sweatpants, and a very short crop top.

You walked out of the shower and was startled when you saw someone on your bed petting your jumped.

But it was just Katie!

"Kathryn I cannot believe you scared me like that you fucking CUNT!" you ran over and hugged her. Your dog tried to get in between you and Katie's hug.

Katie kept you company when Kylo was gone. You two watched movies and hung out everyday. Kylo did seem a little jealous when you told him that you've been hanging out with Katie so much. Since he knows you swing both ways, sometimes he got jealous. But you and him talked it through and he's trying to get better about it.

"Bitch why didn't you tell me that you were coming over?! Guess who's coming over tonight!... Fucking Kylo! You should stay until he arrives, you still have to meet him" you said leading her back to the living room.

"Dude, I don't think he likes me very much. I do want to see if he is as dreamy as you say he is." she said elbowing you as you walked together.

"I still need to finish grading these papers before he comes over." you said sitting in your normal spot on the big couch. Katie then found her usual spot on the opposite end of the couch.

"You've got all weekend dude" she said to you

"I know, but Kylo asked me to do them by tonight before he comes over." you said grabbing up the papers

"I've known you for how long? Like 9 years right? In those 9 years I have never ONCE seen you let a man tell you what to do." she said playfully

"Dude he's kinda my boss. I have to do what he says" you laughed picking up your purple pen. You always graded in purple ink, red was too harsh.

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