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after you have followed through with the physical and spiritual steps, this is where we dive deeper into how to actually start your femininity journey. Those other tips and tricks were preparation for the real deal.  You should still do those tips and tricks throughout this entire process. Now that you physically, mentally, and spiritually have been slowly trained and adjusted, now you can dive deeper into starting and continuing your femininity journey.

1. Prioritize yourself:
Learn to put your needs first sometimes. It is okay to be just a little selfish. Do something that makes you feel happy, reward yourself. Invest into your time, your energy and your money. Learn to receive gifts and compliments without trying to reject it in someway. Also learn to say no to things you don't want to do. For example, if a  guy is pressuring you to have sex and you don't want to do it, just say no and get out of there. (& If he tries to go further then you must report that issue to your parent/guardian or the police if needed because that can lead to rape) .

2.Heal and cleanse:
This was somewhat talked about in the last chapter but this is very important. Healing from childhood trauma, Bad habits, Cycles, and Old beliefs. Cleanse your mind and spirit by getting rid of toxic people in your life or any music or objects that cause you to cultivate an unhealthy mindset or bad habits, and yes music can do that. If needed go to therapy, and if you are a little older than 18 and you have an unhealthy addictions or obsession go see a thereapist, councilor, or if needed go to rehab. I know that sounds a little overbearing but some people might need to take that extra step

3. Value yourself :
Understand that you are the prize, you are the catch. Meaning that you should not have to constantly chase anyone or anything, you must learn to attract, not chase. Especially when it comes to guys. If he really likes you, he will approach you. You don't necessarily have to make the first move and if you want to there is a proper way to do it. When you constantly chase a guy, he will sit back and allow you to shower him with love, gifts, ect. Then he will take all that he you gave home, fix himself up and go behind your back and be with the girl who isn't chasing him 24/7. The "side chick" naturally attracted him with her feminine energy, and now she gets to sit back and enjoy all the proper attention and gifts ect. This is because you are not allowing him to be a masculine being in the relationship. Yes relationship is partnership, yes you can do good things for someone you like but don't become the man in the relationship. That example showed that you would be exuding masculine energy while he sits back in the feminine until he finds a girl and attracts him naturally and will go be with her and do everything for her while you get heartbroken. Fix yourself up, let a man be a man, and don't settle for just any guy. If he approaches you, let him approach you  correctly. Don't entertain him if he's yelling your name from down the street to get your attention. Let him come to you. If you want him that badly then there is a way to attract him with your feminine energy. Not only that but if your with someone who's top notch then you need to be top notch.

4. Learn to listen:
I was always taught that silence in certain situations is more powerful than noise. When someone is talking let them speak and get their point across, then you can say what you need to say. This shows you know how to have a conversation. Always listen to what a person Is saying and not Always how they are saying it, because that's how you can misconstrued what a person actually meant. Not only that listen to yourself when you talk or when you are thinking, see if its something that needs to be worked on. And listen to your body. If you are in pain whether physically or emotionally, listen to your body and find out if you need medication or if you need to see a therapist. If you have strong odor coming from either your feet, underarms, your your butt then you obviously need to wash better. If you have an odor coming from or vagina then listen to that and go wash, eat better, and if those things don't work then see a doctor to know if you have an infection.

5. Physical appearance was already talked about. But make sure you are keeping yourself up, including hair, makeup, skin care, hygiene, health, your weight ect. If you didn't know this book was written partly during quarantine of 2020 where the pandemic happened (coronavirus/covid19) just because you are in quarantine or if your stuck in the house with no where to go or get out you still shouldn't let yourself completely go. This diminishes your femininity. I'm not saying put on makeup every morning even if your not going anywhere or wear dresses and heals inside your house. But Have a cute set of clothes you can wear comfortably inside your home or a cute set of Pj's. Exercise at least 3 times a week if your too busy with other task. Make sure your hair is detangled, moisturized, and tamed. Make sure you are doing your daily skin care and Hygiene routine. Take a goddess bath, Exfoliate, drink your water or detox water where you can put lemos and cucumbers slices in your water. Watch feminine movies if you want or read feminine books. Keep that energy flowing. 
For a bonus: Create a vision Board and put it somewhere you can see it everyday for motivation to do these things and manifest it so you can become the best version of yourself. Set a timed schedule so you won't feel like your not being productive.

6. Have manners and good etiquette:
Say please and thank you. If talking to an adult/elder say "yes ma'am/ no ma'am or yes sir/ no sir." This shows them you respect those with authority and they most likely will give you what you want when you show them you respect them. When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose. Do not blow your nose super loud in front of people because it can gross them out, this is how to have consideration for other people around you. Respect yourself and others. When at a dinner table know how to use the different utensils properly, put your napkin on your lap, and chew with your mouth closed  for God sake. Don't smack your food. Swallow your food before you talk. Don't slurp to loud or too much because your saliva and food will fly everywhere and you won't even know it. Try not to eat too messy, even if it's a food with sauce, try to keep all the food on your plate and not dripping all over your face. When talking, especially at a restaurant or in the work place if you have a job, Do Not be obnoxiously loud and talk like you are in the fith grade or using too much slang/profanity. This will irritate people around you and the person you are talking to. Your conversation should be between you and the person/few people you are talking to. Know how to conversate without being Ghetto. Especially at the work place, people will not take you seriously.

7. Have a clean and feminine space:
Your house, your car and where you work should be tidy. When your done using something, put it back where you got it. Wipe down your area and spray it, sweep/mop or vacuum, make your bed, light a candle if you can to make your area smells good or spray some air freshener. Put flowers in your space to make it a little more feminine to help you continue to cultivate thay feminine energy.

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