Femininity In School 🦄📚

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As a teen I know how difficult it is to exude femininity at school. At least for me because Im not surrounded by feminine teens. But here are some tips to help you stay consistent even in school where most teenage girls aren't on a feminine journey

Appearance : Have an aesthetic. There are many different ones such as Soft girl, E girl, Baddie, Feminine ect. Find which one you like and find pieces that represent that aesthetic or theme
1. Dressing: If you wear uniform make sure you get your exact size and make sure it is washed and ironed. Add some accessories such as dainty jewelry or a cute purse. Even if you don't wear uniform those same rules apply. You can wear something stylish, yet Modest and classy. You don't have to wear extremely tight jeans and a crop top everyday like the average girl does. It's okay to wear heals and a skirt to school, or jeans with a cute top and some flats. If you are just jumping on to the "trends" then you will literally look like every girl. Find your own style. Don't just scroll on IG, see a fit, and then go to the mall and look for the exact pieces. Also dress in colors that match your skin undertone and body type. (If you don't know what that is then you can look it up on youtube) Switch it up.

2. Makeup, hair and skin: A natural look is always best. A bold look should be for special events a your school such as prom, pep rally, big games ect. But if you do want to do your makeup everyday make sure it's a nice natural look with neutral and natural colors that not only blend with your skin but will inhance your beauty. Make sure hair is done, take care of it by doing the tips that were in the second chapter and find tutorials if you don't know how to do hair and you can't get to the salon at the moment. Please take care of your skin. Have a skin care routine and stick to it.

3. Hygiene : this was talked about twice, if needed go back to the other chapters that talk about hygiene and signature sents. I will repeat this : wash everyday once or twice with hot water and non scent soap, put on deodorant, find a body spray or perfume that compliments your body's natural sent. Wear clean clothes. And for a bonus use powder, oil your body down,and use baby wipes to wipe yourself when you are on the go. This is so in school you can stay fresh down there through out the day.

Mannerisms and organization: You don't have to be aggressive. Relax yourself, breathe, and be soft. It's okay to be delicate. This will help you when it comes to getting what you want int terms of grades. Maybe you want some extra credit, then use your soft voice, and delicate movement as a way to "seduce" (not in an inappropriate way) this may make your teachers start to think that they should give you that extra credit. You made them give you what you wanted without demanding it and you didn't have to beg. All you had to do was speak softly, make eye contact and position yourself. And be organized, you have to have your belongings in order and have a good memory. Make sure you get a book bag that will fit all of your school supplies, even the ones you think you don't need, put them in your bag anyway. Also make sure if you aren't writing important things down that you have a good memory and also keep track of whatever your teacher tells you not only just notes for a test but reminders or promises they made that will contribute to your grades.

Be prepared: This goes with organization but now I'm talking about the emergency bag. Buy a cute bag from a store that can fit these items:
A pencil or pen
Minin sticky notes
Gum or mints
Pads or tampons
A small zip lock bag of baby wipes
Lip gloss or chapstick
A Mini bottle of lotion
A Mini bottle of body spray
(a tiny container or bottle of any medication you will need on the go)
Band aids (if needed)
Some money(/bus tickets)
Charger/ ear buds
And candy if you want

This bag is important because you never know what you may need when you are in school and something happens. I think its very feminine for a girl to have a little kit in her book bag for school in case of any emergencies.

I will just name a few simple things that may not need its own chapter for explanation.

1. Be careful of the people who hang with:
Observe someone before you claim them as your friend, people are fake and you need to be able to spot a snake when you see one.

2. Be surrounded by people with positive energy:
People who gossip, break the law of any kind, or are just mean, you don't need to hang around. Be with people who like to have intelligent conversations or at least positive conversations and like to do positive activities.

3. Don't follow trends: If you know you don't live the way they do and you were taught not to follow after alot of things you see on the internet then don't try so hard to do it just so people can like you and you can gain a little clout. Your either going to get embarrassed or you are going to hurt yourself and others around you. Stop trying to get people to like you, to like your post on social media. People can tell when you are forcing it and they will smile in your face but laugh behind your back. Just be yourself

4. Know your worth: This includes keeping your legs closed. You have to understand you are a prize that they must win. This includes not only boyfriends but friends, they have to earn you and respect you. And if no one likes you then like yourself. Know you are talented, beautiful, femine, smart and courageous. You don't need validation from kids who haven't even discovered who they are. Find out who you are and love that.

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