Self Defense 👊🏾

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This topic is a little controversial because some women think fighting is  not classy or feminine. I was taught that if someone put their hands on me then I have all right to hit them back harder. This is because I understand that I will not just let anyone think they can do whatever they want to me. I refused to let people walk all over me. The only difference is that I never started fights I finished them. There's nothing wrong with taking kick boxing, boxing, karate, or learning how to use a gun or tazer. As women we still need to protect our selves from danger. We can not run from it and we can not hide from it, unfortunately we have to face it. If you are of age or if you are a minor but yet old enough (ask your parents to) go to a gun range and learn how to shoot, buy pepper spray (minor:if your parents allow you to)or take self defense classes. Not just for if some hater at your school decides to try to hurt you, but if your by yourself and a man (minor:or even a guy your age) tries to touch you without permission or tries to hurt you, kidnap you. Self defense does NOT make you less feminine. You still need to protect yourself because you won't always be surrounded by people you know, one day you'll be alone and it's just you and the person that wants to harm you. You can choose to be a victim or help yourself.

How to defend yourself :

Agruments:Avoid them if you can but if not then keep it cute and be  passive aggressive in your response. When your response is not what they expected to be they usually won't have a comeback. And not only that but they won't get the reaction they need from you to add fuel to the situation. And You can't give ppl what they want.

Physical self defense : Learn Martial arts, Boxing, Wrestling ect. If someone puts their hands on you to harm you, you have every right to defend yourself and hit them back. If a man tries to force himself on you, you can scream for help, scream as loud as you can, no matter how bad it may hurt your lungs. But if that doesn't work then you will have to hit him where it hurts and Run. Another thing is running, if someone is following you and you feel unsafe and that individual is not within arms reach for you to defend yourself, you have to learn how to run fast and jump over gates, fences, and cars. Ik that doesn't sound great but if you want to get to safety, you can't walk to it and expect to get to safety in time. I live in the hood, and soon I will be moving to a better city, but for now, if someone is in their car, following me, and they start to speed up as I speed walk, then at that point I have to run and if there's something up head I can't get around then I will have no choice but to climb and jump over, or slide under.

Weapons: let's talk about weapon that you can carry on you in certain places for safety.

*when you turn 21, Get a Gun. Ik that sounds like a masculine thing but trust me it's not, it doesn't have to be black, you can get a pretty pink on or blue, it doesn't matter just get a gun when you turn 21.

*Pocket knife/Credit card knife: It sounds scary because you don't wanna kill anyone, and no body is saying that you should murder anyone, but if it comes to where your gonna need to stab the person so you can get to safety. And I'm not talking about if some chick from school pulled your hair, no I'm talking about if someone male or female tried to take you away or force themselves on you by pining you down.

*Tazer or Stun gun
*Pepper spray *Mace
*brass knuckles
*A belt
*A sharp pencil or pen
*Your purse *Perfum  *Keys  *Cell phone
*Strike pen

Other weapons that you may have access to, depending on where you are at but you may not necessarily have bring with you are
*A glass bottle
*a brick
*A chain
*A pan

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